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I received this email as a note to officials from Rick Tucci the head official at USWOA.  His message follows.

This is Clinch Rule Modification is to take effect immediately:


An additional clinch situation will be enforced after the start of the second period when one wrestler receives two consecutive passivity calls without a point being scored between the penalties by the offended wrestler.  There may be more than one additional clinches depending on the number of passivity's. If a point is scored after a passivity call is made on red and he scores and then he receives a second passivity then no clinch is called. 

If red is called for passivity, then blue , then red again then a clinch is required with the wrestler not receiving the penalty , clinching first.  This procedure will include the overtime period.  The number of passivity's will depend on the officiating team but verbalization and encouragement are recommended before the second passivity and a clinch are called.

I cleared this with Mario, write the statement as is, I know there will be some questions, but Mario did not want me to include the time or strategies of the wrestlers. Questions will be answered at Clinics or by contacting ME at home.


get this out asap. thanks