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Warden Tournament (WA)


103- Torres (Warden) pinned Elizalde (War)
3rd Infante (Brewster) pinned Yamamoto (War)
112- Cox (War) 10-9 over Green (Lake Ros)
3rd Mitchell (Tonasket) 12-2 over Leavitt (war)
119- Tanguma (War) pinned McMillan (L. Bell)
3rd Camarena (Lake R) 15-3 over Rios (Brew.)
125- Campos (War) 8-4 over Zabreznik (Ton)
3rd Port (L Bell) 9-5 over Barcenas (Brew)
130- Brandenburg (LB) 12-0 over Gallegos (Zillah)
3rd Martinez (War) pinned Dobson (Brew)[#1 seat]
135- Fistolera (Kalama) 19-17 over Valadez (Zil)
3rd Franklin (Ton) 11-9 over Stott (War)
140- Doehne (Kal) pinned Port (LB)
3rd Swedberg (Ton) 12-1 over Chaney (LR)
145- Jones (War) 18-4 over Gonzalez (Zil)
3rd Bramen (Kal) 2-1 over Huston (LR)
152- Williams (Ton) 12-2 over Proctor (LR)
3rd Mumma (Brew) 9-5 over Egia (War)
160- Mitchell (Ton) 15-5 over Monteagudo (LR)
3rd Plowman (LB) 4-1 over Bowers (War)
171- Schneider (Kal) pinned Wiltse (Brew)
3rd Stevie (LB) 6-0 over Rowland (Zil)[#1 seat]
189- Campbell (Kal) 10-3 over Rairdan (Ton)
3rd Seyler (LR) 12-4 Devoe (LB)
215- Pittman (War) pinned Kiser (LR)
3rd Ladesma (Brew) pinned Abbott (LR)
275- Nick (Ton) pinned Beihl (Zil)
3rd Campos (War) pinned Guzman (Brew)