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This information was provided to Dave Gilbertson by "The Predictor"
To: <
Subject: Deer Park Results
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 08:59:12 -0800

TEAM - Hermiston 232, East Valley 199.5, University 150.5, Cheney 149.5, Medical Lake 149, Mead 144.4, Mt. Spokane 122, Gonzaga Prep 104, Deer Park 76.4, Selah 70, Kettle Falss 68.5, Colville 66, Cashmere 55, North Central 46.5, Riverside 45, Pullman 42, Rogers 38.

103 - Cory Fish (U-Hi) d. Lenny Hahn (Mts) 9-1. 3. Rubo (Herm); 4. Barton (Rogers)
112 - Aaron Anderson (DP) d. Keith Saucillo (Herm.) 10-3 3. Hinman (KF);  4. Barbour (Mts)
119 - Zach Morgan (Sel) p. Dustin Jones (Col) 2:21 3. Garrett (Che.); 4.  Plumb (EV)
125 - Adam Bryant (DP) d. Kevin Kimball 11-5  3. Montang (Univ.); 4.  Johnston (EV)
130 - Matt McCloolum (Mead) p. Ray Hodge (Riv.) 1:35  3. J. Imes (EV);  4. Lundquist (Colv.)
135 - Kayle Gray (Che.) d. Tim Healy (GP) 8-2  3. TC Imes (EV); 4. Foss  (Mts)
140 - Jacob Lund (EV) p. Travis Southwick (ML) 1:51  3. Pea (Mts); 4.  Smith (Che.)
145 - Brad Rasmussen (Che) d. Derek Jorgensen (Herm) 7-4  3. Rose (EV);  4. Leise (Univ.)
152 - Mike Nicholsen (EV) d. Kevin Aurand (Univ.) 9-2  3. Hall (Herm.);  4. Sicilia (Mts)
160 - Kyle Larson (Herm) d. Chase Gotham (Colv.) 6-5  3. McPherson  (Mead); 4. Hardwick (EV)
171 - James Pearson (GP) d. Micah Franklin (Mts) 3. Riley (Herm.); 4.  Bouge (Univ.)
189 - Josh Edmondson (ML) d. Jake Nelson (Mead) 7-1  3. Kerr (NC); 4.  Fraser (EV)
215 - Garrett Johnson (ML) d. Nate Vining 8-6 OT.  3. Hernandez (Rog);  4. Duane Stahl (Herm.)
275 - Tyler Hartsteen (Herm.) d. Stephon Westfall (Che.) 5-0  3. Bouge  (Univ.); 4. Helm (ML)