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Granger Ironman
Granger, WA
December 13, 2008

Weight: 103

                               -Jerry Quesada MABT-----------+
                                        Bout:    113         |-Jerry Quesada MABT-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:      2         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
                                                                       Bout:    253         |-Jerry Quesada MABT-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:      3         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    114         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                                             |                                                             |
                               -Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    311         |-Nathan Gonzalez SS-----------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Juan Diaz ZILL---------------+                                                             |           Fall 5:15
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    115         |-Juan Diaz ZILL---------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:      6         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    254         |-Nathan Gonzalez SS-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:25
         Bout:      7         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    116         |-Nathan Gonzalez SS-----------+
                               -Nathan Gonzalez SS-----------+

-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    281         |-Bye--------------------------+
         Bout:    169         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    225         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    170         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    310         |-Juan Diaz ZILL---------------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    171         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    226         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    172         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    282         |-Juan Diaz ZILL---------------+
                                                              -Juan Diaz ZILL---------------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Nathan Gonzalez SS
                                                              2nd Jerry Quesada MABT
                                                              3rd Juan Diaz ZILL
                                                              4th Bye


Weight: 112

                               -Jonathan Salcedo GR----------+
                                        Bout:    117         |-Jonathan Salcedo GR----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:     10         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
                                                                       Bout:    255         |-Jonathan Salcedo GR----------+
-Elias Ramirez (NS) GR--------+                                                             |           Fall :16           |
         Bout:     11         |-Elias Ramirez (NS) GR--------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    118         |-Isaiah Ferrer SS-------------+                              |
                                                             |            Dec 9-2                                          |
                               -Isaiah Ferrer SS-------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    314         |-Konner Hopkins EV------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Austin Hudson WAHL-----------+                                                             |            Dec 3-0
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    119         |-Austin Hudson WAHL-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:     14         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    256         |-Konner Hopkins EV------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:29
         Bout:     15         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    120         |-Konner Hopkins EV------------+
                               -Konner Hopkins EV------------+

                                                              -Isaiah Ferrer SS-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    283         |-Isaiah Ferrer SS-------------+
         Bout:    173         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    227         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    174         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    313         |-Isaiah Ferrer SS-------------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    175         |-Elias Ramirez (NS) GR--------+                                                             |           Dec 11-9
-Elias Ramirez (NS) GR--------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    228         |-Elias Ramirez (NS) GR--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    176         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    284         |-Austin Hudson WAHL-----------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 4:39
                                                              -Austin Hudson WAHL-----------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Konner Hopkins EV
                                                              2nd Jonathan Salcedo GR
                                                              3rd Isaiah Ferrer SS
                                                              4th Austin Hudson WAHL


Weight: 119

                               -Joe Salcedo GR---------------+
                                        Bout:    121         |-Joe Salcedo GR---------------+
-Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE------+                              |           Fall :25           |
         Bout:     18         |-Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE------+                              |
-Sam Tuesley (NS) HIGH--------+           Fall :16                                          |
                                                                       Bout:    257         |-Joe Salcedo GR---------------+
-Reymundo Valencia ZILL-------+                                                             |           Fall :20           |
         Bout:     19         |-Reymundo Valencia ZILL-------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    122         |-Reymundo Valencia ZILL-------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 1:35                                         |
                               -Michael Prince EV------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    317         |-Joe Salcedo GR---------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Marcus Fedusco IKE-----------+                                                             |           Fall :50
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    123         |-Marcus Fedusco IKE-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :51           |                              |
         Bout:     22         |-Oscar Morales HIGH-----------+                              |                              |
-Oscar Morales HIGH-----------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    258         |-Daniel Magallon MABT---------+
-Gerardo Villalobos SS--------+                                                             |           Fall 1:08
         Bout:     23         |-Gerardo Villalobos SS--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    124         |-Daniel Magallon MABT---------+
                                                             |           Fall :47
                               -Daniel Magallon MABT---------+

                                                              -Reymundo Valencia ZILL-------+
-Sam Tuesley (NS) HIGH--------+                                        Bout:    285         |-Reymundo Valencia ZILL-------+
         Bout:    177         |-Gerardo Villalobos SS--------+                              |           Fall :40           |
-Gerardo Villalobos SS--------+           Fall :56           |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    229         |-Oscar Morales HIGH-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |              Dq                                             |
         Bout:    178         |-Oscar Morales HIGH-----------+                                                             |
-Oscar Morales HIGH-----------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    316         |-Reymundo Valencia ZILL-------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    179         |-Michael Prince EV------------+                                                             |           Fall :57
-Michael Prince EV------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    230         |-Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:30          |                              |
         Bout:    180         |-Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE------+                              |                              |
-Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE------+                                        Bout:    286         |-Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 1:25
                                                              -Marcus Fedusco IKE-----------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Joe Salcedo GR
                                                              2nd Daniel Magallon MABT
                                                              3rd Reymundo Valencia ZILL
                                                              4th Dyllon Mendoze (NS) IKE


Weight: 125

                               -Skylor Davis ZILL------------+
                                        Bout:    125         |-Skylor Davis ZILL------------+
-Julian Muro CASC-------------+                              |           Fall 1:10          |
         Bout:     26         |-Julian Muro CASC-------------+                              |
-Fidel Negrete IKE------------+           Fall :46                                          |
                                                                       Bout:    259         |-Skylor Davis ZILL------------+
-Brandon Sommerville HIGH-----+                                                             |           Fall :48           |
         Bout:     27         |-Brandon Sommerville HIGH-----+                              |                              |
-Noel Lopez (NS) IKE----------+           Fall 1:41          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    126         |-Brandon Sommerville HIGH-----+                              |
                                                             |          M-Dec 15-4                                         |
                               -Salvador Jimenez WAHL--------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    320         |-Skylor Davis ZILL------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Carlos Mendez MABT-----------+                                                             |           M-Dec 9-1
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    127         |-Isidro Ramirez SS------------+                              |
-Chris DeLeon (NS) GR---------+                              |            Dec 6-0           |                              |
         Bout:     30         |-Isidro Ramirez SS------------+                              |                              |
-Isidro Ramirez SS------------+           Fall 1:31                                         |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    260         |-Sammy Salcedo GR-------------+
-Ben Montano EV---------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:35
         Bout:     31         |-Ben Montano EV---------------+                              |
-Jeremiah Wise (NS) ZILL------+           Fall 4:27          |                              |
                                        Bout:    128         |-Sammy Salcedo GR-------------+
                                                             |           Fall 1:24
                               -Sammy Salcedo GR-------------+

                                                              -Brandon Sommerville HIGH-----+
-Fidel Negrete IKE------------+                                        Bout:    287         |-Ben Montano EV---------------+
         Bout:    181         |-Ben Montano EV---------------+                              |           Fall :57           |
-Ben Montano EV---------------+           Fall 3:56          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    231         |-Ben Montano EV---------------+                              |
-Noel Lopez (NS) IKE----------+                              |            Dec 9-7                                          |
         Bout:    182         |-Carlos Mendez MABT-----------+                                                             |
-Carlos Mendez MABT-----------+           Fall 1:10                                                                        |
                                                                                                      Bout:    319         |-Ben Montano EV---------------
-Chris DeLeon (NS) GR---------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    183         |-Chris DeLeon (NS) GR---------+                                                             |            Dec 0-0
-Salvador Jimenez WAHL--------+           M-Dec 8-0          |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    232         |-Chris DeLeon (NS) GR---------+                              |
-Jeremiah Wise (NS) ZILL------+                              |           Fall 2:15          |                              |
         Bout:    184         |-Jeremiah Wise (NS) ZILL------+                              |                              |
-Julian Muro CASC-------------+           Fall 5:00                    Bout:    288         |-Isidro Ramirez SS------------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 1:46
                                                              -Isidro Ramirez SS------------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Skylor Davis ZILL
                                                              2nd Sammy Salcedo GR
                                                              3rd Ben Montano EV
                                                              4th Isidro Ramirez SS


Weight: 130

                               -Carlos DeLeon GR-------------+
                                        Bout:    129         |-Carlos DeLeon GR-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Dflt             |
         Bout:     34         |-Alex Gonzales ZILL-----------+                              |
-Alex Gonzales ZILL-----------+                                                             |
                                                                       Bout:    261         |-Nick Martinez SS-------------+
-Andres Capi IKE--------------+                                                             |           Dec 13-8           |
         Bout:     35         |-Andres Capi IKE--------------+                              |                              |
-Ian Williams (NS) ZILL-------+           Fall 1:22          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    130         |-Nick Martinez SS-------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall :42                                          |
                               -Nick Martinez SS-------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    323         |-Mason Yates EV---------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Mason Yates EV---------------+                                                             |           Fall 4:58
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    131         |-Mason Yates EV---------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :28           |                              |
         Bout:     38         |-Katie Wentz WS---------------+                              |                              |
-Katie Wentz WS---------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    262         |-Mason Yates EV---------------+
-Carlos Hernandez (NS) GR-----+                                                             |           Fall 3:25
         Bout:     39         |-Carlos Hernandez (NS) GR-----+                              |
-Nelson Thai (NS) IKE---------+           Fall 5:12          |                              |
                                        Bout:    132         |-Luis Aviles MABT-------------+
                                                             |           Fall 3:10
                               -Luis Aviles MABT-------------+

                                                              -Carlos DeLeon GR-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    289         |-Carlos DeLeon GR-------------+
         Bout:    185         |-Carlos Hernandez (NS) GR-----+                              |            Dec 4-2           |
-Carlos Hernandez (NS) GR-----+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    233         |-Carlos Hernandez (NS) GR-----+                              |
-Ian Williams (NS) ZILL-------+                              |           Fall :29                                          |
         Bout:    186         |-Ian Williams (NS) ZILL-------+                                                             |
-Katie Wentz WS---------------+           Fall 3:39                                                                        |
                                                                                                      Bout:    322         |-Luis Aviles MABT-------------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    187         |-Andres Capi IKE--------------+                                                             |           Fall 4:10
-Andres Capi IKE--------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    234         |-Andres Capi IKE--------------+                              |
-Nelson Thai (NS) IKE---------+                              |           Fall 3:42          |                              |
         Bout:    188         |-Nelson Thai (NS) IKE---------+                              |                              |
-Alex Gonzales ZILL-----------+             Dflt                       Bout:    290         |-Luis Aviles MABT-------------+
                                                                                            |           Dec 10-9
                                                              -Luis Aviles MABT-------------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Mason Yates EV
                                                              2nd Nick Martinez SS
                                                              3rd Luis Aviles MABT
                                                              4th Carlos DeLeon GR


Weight: 135

                               -Trevor Gaskin SS-------------+
                                        Bout:    133         |-Jacob Standfill EV-----------+
-Rogelio Andreda (NS) IKE-----+                              |           Fall 4:55          |
         Bout:     42         |-Jacob Standfill EV-----------+                              |
-Jacob Standfill EV-----------+           Fall :55                                          |
                                                                       Bout:    263         |-Jacob Standfill EV-----------+
-Alfredo Galvan WS------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:45          |
         Bout:     43         |-Fabian Ruiz MABT-------------+                              |                              |
-Fabian Ruiz MABT-------------+           Fall 1:05          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    134         |-Fabian Ruiz MABT-------------+                              |
                                                             |            Dec 8-5                                          |
                               -Michael Sadiddin IKE---------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    326         |-Jacob Standfill EV-----------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Heber Vasquez WAHL-----------+                                                             |           Fall 3:03
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    135         |-David Vidales (NS) SS--------+                              |
-David Vidales (NS) SS--------+                              |           Fall 4:47          |                              |
         Bout:     46         |-David Vidales (NS) SS--------+                              |                              |
-Ernesto Martinez GR----------+           Fall 5:04                                         |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    264         |-Arturo Nunez MABT------------+
-Fidencio Nicolas ZILL--------+                                                             |           Fall :59
         Bout:     47         |-Fidencio Nicolas ZILL--------+                              |
-Andrew Lefors (NS) IKE-------+           Fall 4:40          |                              |
                                        Bout:    136         |-Arturo Nunez MABT------------+
                                                             |           Fall :27
                               -Arturo Nunez MABT------------+

                                                              -Fabian Ruiz MABT-------------+
-Rogelio Andreda (NS) IKE-----+                                        Bout:    291         |-Fabian Ruiz MABT-------------+
         Bout:    189         |-Rogelio Andreda (NS) IKE-----+                              |           Dec 14-11          |
-Fidencio Nicolas ZILL--------+          M-Dec 17-3          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    235         |-Heber Vasquez WAHL-----------+                              |
-Alfredo Galvan WS------------+                              |           Fall 4:13                                         |
         Bout:    190         |-Heber Vasquez WAHL-----------+                                                             |
-Heber Vasquez WAHL-----------+           Fall :54                                                                         |
                                                                                                      Bout:    325         |-Trevor Gaskin SS-------------
-Ernesto Martinez GR----------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    191         |-Ernesto Martinez GR----------+                                                             |           Fall 2:23
-Michael Sadiddin IKE---------+          T-Fall 20-3         |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    236         |-Trevor Gaskin SS-------------+                              |
-Andrew Lefors (NS) IKE-------+                              |            Dec 7-0           |                              |
         Bout:    192         |-Trevor Gaskin SS-------------+                              |                              |
-Trevor Gaskin SS-------------+           Fall :42                     Bout:    292         |-Trevor Gaskin SS-------------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 4:09
                                                              -David Vidales (NS) SS--------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Jacob Standfill EV
                                                              2nd Arturo Nunez MABT
                                                              3rd Trevor Gaskin SS
                                                              4th Fabian Ruiz MABT


Weight: 140

                               -Andy Rivera MABT-------------+
                                        Bout:    137         |-Andy Rivera MABT-------------+
-Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL------+                              |            Dec 4-3           |
         Bout:     50         |-Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL------+                              |
-Naiden Gonzalez (NS) IKE-----+           Fall 5:06                                         |
                                                                       Bout:    265         |-Andy Rivera MABT-------------+
-Tanner Markham SS------------+                                                             |            Dec 7-3           |
         Bout:     51         |-Tanner Markham SS------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    138         |-Tanner Markham SS------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 4:54                                         |
                               -Juan Mendoza ZILL------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    329         |-Jimmy Wilson EV--------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Enrique Gudino IKE-----------+                                                             |         Fall 6:39 OT
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    139         |-Enrique Gudino IKE-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Dec 13-7           |                              |
         Bout:     54         |-Shane Fletcher CASC----------+                              |                              |
-Shane Fletcher CASC----------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    266         |-Jimmy Wilson EV--------------+
-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------+                                                             |           Fall :22
         Bout:     55         |-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    140         |-Jimmy Wilson EV--------------+
                                                             |          T-Fall 15-0
                               -Jimmy Wilson EV--------------+

                                                              -Tanner Markham SS------------+
-Naiden Gonzalez (NS) IKE-----+                                        Bout:    293         |-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------+
         Bout:    193         |-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------+                              |           Fall :48           |
-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------+           Fall :27           |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    237         |-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :35                                          |
         Bout:    194         |-Shane Fletcher CASC----------+                                                             |
-Shane Fletcher CASC----------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    328         |-Antonio Godinez WAHL---------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    195         |-Juan Mendoza ZILL------------+                                                             |           Fall :43
-Juan Mendoza ZILL------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    238         |-Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 6-2           |                              |
         Bout:    196         |-Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL------+                              |                              |
-Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL------+                                        Bout:    294         |-Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 2:14
                                                              -Enrique Gudino IKE-----------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Jimmy Wilson EV
                                                              2nd Andy Rivera MABT
                                                              3rd Antonio Godinez WAHL
                                                              4th Juan Nicholas (NS) ZILL


Weight: 145

                               -Rodney Treece ZILL-----------+
                                        Bout:    141         |-Rodney Treece ZILL-----------+
-Christian Gutierrez NS ZILL--+                              |           Fall 1:05          |
         Bout:     58         |-Jose Zamora (NS) IKE---------+                              |
-Jose Zamora (NS) IKE---------+           Fall 1:49                                         |
                                                                       Bout:    267         |-Jeremy Standfill EV----------+
-Jeremy Standfill EV----------+                                                             |            Dec 6-3           |
         Bout:     59         |-Jeremy Standfill EV----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    142         |-Jeremy Standfill EV----------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 2:29                                         |
                               -Alonso Garcia MABT-----------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    332         |-Jeremy Standfill EV----------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Emmanuel Ramirez GR----------+                                                             |          M-Dec 13-2
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    143         |-Emmanuel Ramirez GR----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:53          |                              |
         Bout:     62         |-Daniel Gonzales CASC---------+                              |                              |
-Daniel Gonzales CASC---------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    268         |-Mario Herrera WAHL-----------+
-Mario Herrera WAHL-----------+                                                             |           Fall 3:48
         Bout:     63         |-Mario Herrera WAHL-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    144         |-Mario Herrera WAHL-----------+
                                                             |           Fall 1:41
                               -Daniel Chavez SS-------------+

                                                              -Rodney Treece ZILL-----------+
-Christian Gutierrez NS ZILL--+                                        Bout:    295         |-Rodney Treece ZILL-----------+
         Bout:    197         |-Daniel Chavez SS-------------+                              |           Dec 12-5           |
-Daniel Chavez SS-------------+           Fall 2:12          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    239         |-Daniel Gonzales CASC---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :19                                          |
         Bout:    198         |-Daniel Gonzales CASC---------+                                                             |
-Daniel Gonzales CASC---------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    331         |-Rodney Treece ZILL-----------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    199         |-Alonso Garcia MABT-----------+                                                             |            Dec 5-1
-Alonso Garcia MABT-----------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    240         |-Alonso Garcia MABT-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:14          |                              |
         Bout:    200         |-Jose Zamora (NS) IKE---------+                              |                              |
-Jose Zamora (NS) IKE---------+                                        Bout:    296         |-Emmanuel Ramirez GR----------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 1:39
                                                              -Emmanuel Ramirez GR----------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Jeremy Standfill EV
                                                              2nd Mario Herrera WAHL
                                                              3rd Rodney Treece ZILL
                                                              4th Emmanuel Ramirez GR


Weight: 152

                               -Omar Ochoa ZILL--------------+
                                        Bout:    145         |-Andy Cantu SS----------------+
-Andy Cantu SS----------------+                              |           Fall :35           |
         Bout:     66         |-Andy Cantu SS----------------+                              |
-Drew Nickens IKE-------------+           Fall :41                                          |
                                                                       Bout:    269         |-Andy Cantu SS----------------+
-Frank Martinez MABT----------+                                                             |           Fall :54           |
         Bout:     67         |-Frank Martinez MABT----------+                              |                              |
-Mike Esparza (NS) IKE--------+            Dec 6-5           |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    146         |-Joan Uribe EV----------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 3:44                                         |
                               -Joan Uribe EV----------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    335         |-Andy Cantu SS----------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Hermis Rivera WAHL-----------+                                                             |            Dec 6-4
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    147         |-Hermis Rivera WAHL-----------+                              |
-Miguel Rodriguez (NS) IKE----+                              |           Fall 3:27          |                              |
         Bout:     70         |-Samuel Sanchez HIGH----------+                              |                              |
-Samuel Sanchez HIGH----------+           Fall 1:11                                         |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    270         |-Jaime Martinez GR------------+
-David Sorensen CASC----------+                                                             |           Dec 10-5
         Bout:     71         |-David Sorensen CASC----------+                              |
-Sergio Sanchez (NS) ZILL-----+           Dec 10-4           |                              |
                                        Bout:    148         |-Jaime Martinez GR------------+
                                                             |           Fall 1:28
                               -Jaime Martinez GR------------+

                                                              -Joan Uribe EV----------------+
-Drew Nickens IKE-------------+                                        Bout:    297         |-Joan Uribe EV----------------+
         Bout:    201         |-David Sorensen CASC----------+                              |            Dec 7-6           |
-David Sorensen CASC----------+           Fall 2:43          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    241         |-Samuel Sanchez HIGH----------+                              |
-Mike Esparza (NS) IKE--------+                              |            Dec 4-2                                          |
         Bout:    202         |-Samuel Sanchez HIGH----------+                                                             |
-Samuel Sanchez HIGH----------+           Fall :45                                                                         |
                                                                                                      Bout:    334         |-Omar Ochoa ZILL--------------
-Miguel Rodriguez (NS) IKE----+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    203         |-Frank Martinez MABT----------+                                                             |           Fall :52
-Frank Martinez MABT----------+           Fall 1:20          |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    242         |-Omar Ochoa ZILL--------------+                              |
-Sergio Sanchez (NS) ZILL-----+                              |           Fall :27           |                              |
         Bout:    204         |-Omar Ochoa ZILL--------------+                              |                              |
-Omar Ochoa ZILL--------------+           Fall :55                     Bout:    298         |-Omar Ochoa ZILL--------------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 2:56
                                                              -Hermis Rivera WAHL-----------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Andy Cantu SS
                                                              2nd Jaime Martinez GR
                                                              3rd Omar Ochoa ZILL
                                                              4th Joan Uribe EV


Weight: 160

                               -Chris Castillo ZILL----------+
                                        Bout:    149         |-Chris Castillo ZILL----------+
-Jose Oregon IKE--------------+                              |           Fall 2:50          |
         Bout:     74         |-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------+                              |
-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------+           Fall 1:27                                         |
                                                                       Bout:    271         |-Chris Castillo ZILL----------+
-Luis Rivera WAHL-------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:40          |
         Bout:     75         |-Luis Rivera WAHL-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    150         |-Chris Cliett EV--------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 4:48                                         |
                               -Chris Cliett EV--------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    338         |-Chris Castillo ZILL----------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Clive Bailey WS--------------+                                                             |           Fall :36
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    151         |-Lupe Mendoza SS--------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:25          |                              |
         Bout:     78         |-Lupe Mendoza SS--------------+                              |                              |
-Lupe Mendoza SS--------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    272         |-Lupe Mendoza SS--------------+
-Kyle Tynan (NS) ZILL---------+                                                             |           Fall 5:26
         Bout:     79         |-Kyle Tynan (NS) ZILL---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    152         |-Kyle Tynan (NS) ZILL---------+
                                                             |           Fall 4:36
                               -Jason Ornelas GR-------------+

                                                              -Chris Cliett EV--------------+
-Jose Oregon IKE--------------+                                        Bout:    299         |-Chris Cliett EV--------------+
         Bout:    205         |-Jason Ornelas GR-------------+                              |           Fall 2:56          |
-Jason Ornelas GR-------------+           Fall 1:44          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    243         |-Clive Bailey WS--------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-5                                          |
         Bout:    206         |-Clive Bailey WS--------------+                                                             |
-Clive Bailey WS--------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    337         |-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    207         |-Luis Rivera WAHL-------------+                                                             |            Dec 5-0
-Luis Rivera WAHL-------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    244         |-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:44          |                              |
         Bout:    208         |-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------+                              |                              |
-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------+                                        Bout:    300         |-Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL-------+
                                                                                            |            Dec 4-0
                                                              -Kyle Tynan (NS) ZILL---------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Chris Castillo ZILL
                                                              2nd Lupe Mendoza SS
                                                              3rd Kyle Kluever (NS) ZILL
                                                              4th Chris Cliett EV


Weight: 171

                               -Humberto Morales GR----------+
                                        Bout:    153         |-Humberto Morales GR----------+
-Matt Argo (NS) ZILL----------+                              |           Fall 3:25          |
         Bout:     82         |-Ricardo Mendoza SS-----------+                              |
-Ricardo Mendoza SS-----------+          M-Dec 14-6                                         |
                                                                       Bout:    273         |-Humberto Morales GR----------+
-Mitch Kraus CASC-------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:57          |
         Bout:     83         |-Mitch Kraus CASC-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    154         |-Mitch Kraus CASC-------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 1:59                                         |
                               -Joel Ortega IKE--------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    341         |-Angelo Salinas MABT----------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Cameron Rainford EV----------+                                                             |            Dec 2-1
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    155         |-Cameron Rainford EV----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :25           |                              |
         Bout:     86         |-Joe Jenson ZILL--------------+                              |                              |
-Joe Jenson ZILL--------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    274         |-Angelo Salinas MABT----------+
-Eduardo Cuevas WAHL----------+                                                             |           Fall 3:43
         Bout:     87         |-Chuck Resendez (NS) IKE------+                              |
-Chuck Resendez (NS) IKE------+            Dec 2-1           |                              |
                                        Bout:    156         |-Angelo Salinas MABT----------+
                                                             |           Fall :21
                               -Angelo Salinas MABT----------+

                                                              -Mitch Kraus CASC-------------+
-Matt Argo (NS) ZILL----------+                                        Bout:    301         |-Mitch Kraus CASC-------------+
         Bout:    209         |-Matt Argo (NS) ZILL----------+                              |           Fall 3:21          |
-Chuck Resendez (NS) IKE------+           Fall 4:55          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    245         |-Joe Jenson ZILL--------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 5-2                                          |
         Bout:    210         |-Joe Jenson ZILL--------------+                                                             |
-Joe Jenson ZILL--------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    340         |-Cameron Rainford EV----------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    211         |-Joel Ortega IKE--------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:42
-Joel Ortega IKE--------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    246         |-Ricardo Mendoza SS-----------+                              |
-Eduardo Cuevas WAHL----------+                              |           Fall 2:29          |                              |
         Bout:    212         |-Ricardo Mendoza SS-----------+                              |                              |
-Ricardo Mendoza SS-----------+           Fall 1:23                    Bout:    302         |-Cameron Rainford EV----------+
                                                                                            |           Dec 10-4
                                                              -Cameron Rainford EV----------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Angelo Salinas MABT
                                                              2nd Humberto Morales GR
                                                              3rd Cameron Rainford EV
                                                              4th Mitch Kraus CASC


Weight: 189

                               -Kane Koerner ZILL------------+
                                        Bout:    157         |-Kane Koerner ZILL------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:     90         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
                                                                       Bout:    275         |-Kane Koerner ZILL------------+
-Eli Curtsinger EV------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:12          |
         Bout:     91         |-Eli Curtsinger EV------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    158         |-Frankie Ochoa SS-------------+                              |
                                                             |           Dec 10-9                                          |
                               -Frankie Ochoa SS-------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    344         |-Kane Koerner ZILL------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Derrick Nanez WS-------------+                                                             |             Dflt
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    159         |-Derrick Nanez WS-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:48          |                              |
         Bout:     94         |-Kyren Kester HIGH------------+                              |                              |
-Kyren Kester HIGH------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    276         |-Enrique Barajas WAHL---------+
-Abraham Guadarrama GR--------+                                                             |           Fall 3:42
         Bout:     95         |-Abraham Guadarrama GR--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    160         |-Enrique Barajas WAHL---------+
                                                             |          M-Dec 16-4
                               -Enrique Barajas WAHL---------+

                                                              -Frankie Ochoa SS-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    303         |-Frankie Ochoa SS-------------+
         Bout:    213         |-Abraham Guadarrama GR--------+                              |           Dec 11-6           |
-Abraham Guadarrama GR--------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    247         |-Abraham Guadarrama GR--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:35                                         |
         Bout:    214         |-Kyren Kester HIGH------------+                                                             |
-Kyren Kester HIGH------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    343         |-Eli Curtsinger EV------------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    215         |-Eli Curtsinger EV------------+                                                             |           Dec 10-9
-Eli Curtsinger EV------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    248         |-Eli Curtsinger EV------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    216         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    304         |-Eli Curtsinger EV------------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 3:30
                                                              -Derrick Nanez WS-------------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Kane Koerner ZILL
                                                              2nd Enrique Barajas WAHL
                                                              3rd Eli Curtsinger EV
                                                              4th Frankie Ochoa SS


Weight: 215

                               -Damien Marquez MABT----------+
                                        Bout:    161         |-Damien Marquez MABT----------+
-Christian Gonzalez NS IKE----+                              |           Fall :25           |
         Bout:     98         |-Christian Gonzalez NS IKE----+                              |
-Alan Garcia WAHL-------------+           Dec 15-12                                         |
                                                                       Bout:    277         |-Damien Marquez MABT----------+
-Alex Isiordia SS-------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:00          |
         Bout:     99         |-Alex Isiordia SS-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    162         |-Alex Isiordia SS-------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 5:25                                         |
                               -Jacob Powers WS--------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    347         |-Damien Marquez MABT----------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Nathaniel Deardorff ZILL-----+                                                             |           Fall 3:42
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    163         |-Nathaniel Deardorff ZILL-----+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:18          |                              |
         Bout:    102         |-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------+                              |                              |
-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    278         |-Nathaniel Deardorff ZILL-----+
-Jesus Cardenas MABT----------+                                                             |           Dec 12-5
         Bout:    103         |-Jesus Cardenas MABT----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    164         |-Jakob Moser EV---------------+
                                                             |           Fall 3:13
                               -Jakob Moser EV---------------+

                                                              -Alex Isiordia SS-------------+
-Alan Garcia WAHL-------------+                                        Bout:    305         |-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------+
         Bout:    217         |-Jesus Cardenas MABT----------+                              |           Fall 1:49          |
-Jesus Cardenas MABT----------+           M-Dec 8-0          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    249         |-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-1                                          |
         Bout:    218         |-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------+                                                             |
-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    346         |-Raul Mendoza IKE-------------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    219         |-Jacob Powers WS--------------+                                                             |             Dflt
-Jacob Powers WS--------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    250         |-Jacob Powers WS--------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:11          |                              |
         Bout:    220         |-Christian Gonzalez NS IKE----+                              |                              |
-Christian Gonzalez NS IKE----+                                        Bout:    306         |-Jakob Moser EV---------------+
                                                                                            |           Fall :33
                                                              -Jakob Moser EV---------------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Damien Marquez MABT
                                                              2nd Nathaniel Deardorff ZILL
                                                              3rd Raul Mendoza IKE
                                                              4th Jakob Moser EV


Weight: 275

                               -John Myers ZILL--------------+
                                        Bout:    165         |-John Myers ZILL--------------+
-Carson Walker (NS) ZILL------+                              |           Fall 1:01          |
         Bout:    106         |-Carson Walker (NS) ZILL------+                              |
-Jacob Herr (NS) IKE----------+            Dec 6-0                                          |
                                                                       Bout:    279         |-John Myers ZILL--------------+
-Jonathan Medina HIGH---------+                                                             |           Fall 2:37          |
         Bout:    107         |-Jonathan Medina HIGH---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    166         |-Joey Sparks EV---------------+                              |
                                                             |           Fall 1:28                                         |
                               -Joey Sparks EV---------------+                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    350         |-Pete Almaguer GR-------------
                                                                                                                           |           Champion
                               -Jesus Andreda IKE------------+                                                             |            Dec 7-3
                                                             |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    167         |-Sal Lopez MABT---------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :59           |                              |
         Bout:    110         |-Sal Lopez MABT---------------+                              |                              |
-Sal Lopez MABT---------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    280         |-Pete Almaguer GR-------------+
-Marcos Nunez SS--------------+                                                             |           Fall :59
         Bout:    111         |-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------+                              |
-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------+            Dec 9-4           |                              |
                                        Bout:    168         |-Pete Almaguer GR-------------+
                                                             |           Fall 2:53
                               -Pete Almaguer GR-------------+

                                                              -Joey Sparks EV---------------+
-Jacob Herr (NS) IKE----------+                                        Bout:    307         |-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------+
         Bout:    221         |-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------+                              |           Fall 2:07          |
-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------+           Fall 1:26          |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    251         |-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:50                                         |
         Bout:    222         |-Jesus Andreda IKE------------+                                                             |
-Jesus Andreda IKE------------+                                                                                            |
                                                                                                      Bout:    349         |-Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL------
-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |           3rd Place
         Bout:    223         |-Jonathan Medina HIGH---------+                                                             |            Dec 0-0
-Jonathan Medina HIGH---------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    252         |-Jonathan Medina HIGH---------+                              |
-Marcos Nunez SS--------------+                              |           Fall 2:40          |                              |
         Bout:    224         |-Carson Walker (NS) ZILL------+                              |                              |
-Carson Walker (NS) ZILL------+           Fall 5:00                    Bout:    308         |-Sal Lopez MABT---------------+
                                                                                            |           Fall 1:14
                                                              -Sal Lopez MABT---------------+

                                                              - Place Winners -
                                                              1st Pete Almaguer GR
                                                              2nd John Myers ZILL
                                                              3rd Trevor Schell (NS) ZILL
                                                              4th Sal Lopez MABT


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