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2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals 2-7-09
Team Scores
1..Enumclaw                  429.5 
2..White River               264.5 
3..Auburn Mountainview       259.5 
4..Bonney Lake               197.5 
5..Peninsula                 129 
6..Lakes                     115.5 
7..Franklin Pierce           100 
8..Sumner                    59 
9..Clover Park               22 
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 103
09-Travis Reano {Enumclaw}                                                                          1. 09-Travis Reano (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 09-Brandon Perry (AMTV)
                                    -1|Reano (ENUM)                                                 3. 10-Richard Geddes (WRIV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 10-Kenny Griggs (LAKS)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 09-Robert Borders (PENS)
                                                            |Reano (ENUM)                           6. 09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)
09-Bruce McWalter {Lakes}                               -113|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:32         |                 
                                    -2|McWalter (LAKS)      |                     |
9-Brandon Vollmar {Clover Park}       |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:04                               |
                                                                                  |Reano (ENUM)         
09-James Jackson {Bonney Lake}                                                -281|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   6-1               |
                                    -3|Jackson (BLAK)                             |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Geddes (WRIV)        |                     |
BYE                                                     -114|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:53                               |
                                    -4|Geddes (WRIV)        |                                           |
10-Richard Geddes {White River}       |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Reano (ENUM)         
09-Brandon Perry {Auburn Mountainview}                                                              -393|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   11-2
                                    -5|Perry (AMTV)                                                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Perry (AMTV)                               |
BYE                                                     -115|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:33         |                     |
                                    -6|Bernth (FKPR)        |                     |                     |
09-Brady Bernth {Franklin Pierce}     |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Perry (AMTV)         |
09-Robert Borders {Peninsula}                                                 -282|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   19-15             
                                    -7|09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)                      |
09-Andrew Bass {Enumclaw}             |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:58         |                     |
                                                            |Griggs (LAKS)        |
BYE                                                     -116|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:49         
                                    -8|Griggs (LAKS)        |
10-Kenny Griggs {Lakes}               |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 103

                                                                  Geddes (WRIV)        
                      09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)                       ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-281                |
BYE                   L-116                |09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)                      |
---------------------\                 -225|---------------------\                     |Geddes (WRIV)        
  L-1                |Vollmar (CLPK)       |   Fall 0:49         |                 -337|---------------------\
                 -117|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 0:57         |
Vollmar (CLPK)       |   BYE                                     |09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)|                     |
---------------------/                                       -283|---------------------/                     |
  L-2                 Bernth (FKPR)                              |   Fall 0:59                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-115                |Bernth (FKPR)        |                                           |
---------------------\                 -226|---------------------/                                           |Geddes (WRIV)        
  L-3                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -379|---------------------
                 -118|---------------------/                                                                 |   17-14
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Griggs (LAKS)                              |
  L-4                 Jackson (BLAK)                              ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-282                |                     |
BYE                   L-114                |Jackson (BLAK)                             |                     |
---------------------\                 -227|---------------------\                     |Griggs (LAKS)        |
  L-5                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -338|---------------------/
                 -119|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 0:36         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Borders (PENS)       |
---------------------/                                       -284|---------------------/
  L-6                 McWalter (LAKS)                            |   7-5               
                      ---------------------\                     |
Borders (PENS)        L-113                |Borders (PENS)       |                      09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)           FIFTH
---------------------\                 -228|---------------------/                 L-337---------------------\
  L-7                |Borders (PENS)       |   Fall 2:08                                                     |Borders (PENS)       
                 -120|---------------------/                                                             -365|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Borders (PENS)       |   8-5
---------------------/                                                             L-338---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 112
10-Marcus Nickols {Enumclaw}                                                                        1. 11-Matt Anderson (AMTV)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 10-Marcus Nickols (ENUM)
                                    -9|Nickols (ENUM)                                               3. 11-Matt Miller  (FKPR)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 11-Austin Wright (PENS)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)
                                                            |Nickols (ENUM)                         6. 12-Tyler Anderson (BLAK)
10-Blake Fealy {Sumner}                                 -121|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:36         |                 
                                   -10|10-Blake Fealy (SUMN)|                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Nickols (ENUM)       
12-Tyler Anderson {Bonney Lake}                                               -285|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   17-9              |
                                   -11|Anderson (BLAK)                            |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Miller  (FKPR)       |                     |
BYE                                                     -122|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   17-14                                   |
                                   -12|Miller  (FKPR)       |                                           |
11-Matt Miller  {Franklin Pierce}     |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Anderson (AMTV)      
11-Austin Wright {Peninsula}                                                                        -394|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   8-7
                                   -13|Wright (PENS)                                                    |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Wright (PENS)                              |
BYE                                                     -123|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:18         |                     |
                                   -14|Fisher (BLAK)        |                     |                     |
09-Tyler Fisher {Bonney Lake}         |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Anderson (AMTV)      |
09-Tyler Worthen {White River}                                                -286|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:39         
                                   -15|09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)                      |
09-Jonny Avila {Enumclaw}             |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:26         |                     |
                                                            |Anderson (AMTV)      |
BYE                                                     -124|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:07         
                                   -16|Anderson (AMTV)      |
11-Matt Anderson {Auburn Mountainview}|---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 112

                                                                  Miller  (FKPR)       
                      09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)                       ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-285                |
BYE                   L-124                |09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)                      |
---------------------\                 -229|---------------------\                     |Miller  (FKPR)       
  L-9                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -339|---------------------\
                 -125|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 1:16         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)|                     |
---------------------/                                       -287|---------------------/                     |
 L-10                 Fisher (BLAK)                              |   Fall 1:23                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-123                |Fisher (BLAK)        |                                           |
---------------------\                 -230|---------------------/                                           |Miller  (FKPR)       
 L-11                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -380|---------------------
                 -126|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall 2:09
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Wright (PENS)                              |
 L-12                 Anderson (BLAK)                             ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-286                |                     |
BYE                   L-122                |Anderson (BLAK)                            |                     |
---------------------\                 -231|---------------------\                     |Wright (PENS)        |
 L-13                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -340|---------------------/
                 -127|---------------------/                     |                     |   7-5               
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Anderson (BLAK)      |
---------------------/                                       -288|---------------------/
 L-14                 10-Blake Fealy (SUMN)                      |   Fall 0:37         
                      ---------------------\                     |
Worthen (WRIV)        L-121                |10-Blake Fealy (SUMN)|                      09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)           FIFTH
---------------------\                 -232|---------------------/                 L-339---------------------\
 L-15                |Worthen (WRIV)       |   Fall 4:24                                                     |09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)
                 -128|---------------------/                                                             -366|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Anderson (BLAK)      |   13-6
---------------------/                                                             L-340---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 119
10-Justus Strong-Ricco {Lakes}                                                                      1. 10-Justus Strong-Ricco (LAKS)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 11-Steven Lacheney (PENS)
                                   -17|Strong-Ricco (LAKS)                                          3. 11-Robby Slick (BLAK)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 09-Cole Snider (ENUM)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 09-Mike McNamara (LAKS)
                                                            |Strong-Ricco (LAKS)                    6. 09-Zach Kelley  (WRIV)
09-AJ Pontelandolfo {Enumclaw}                          -129|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:56         |                 
                                   -18|Pontelandolfo (ENUM) |                     |
09-Riley Embly {Peninsula}            |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:40                               |
                                                                                  |Strong-Ricco (LAKS)  
09-Francis Otey  {Franklin Pierce}                                            -289|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   5-3               |
                                   -19|Otey  (FKPR)                               |                     |
09-Zach Kelley  {White River}         |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:48         |                     |                     |
                                                            |11-Robby Slick (BLAK)|                     |
BYE                                                     -130|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   9-1                                     |
                                   -20|11-Robby Slick (BLAK)|                                           |
11-Robby Slick {Bonney Lake}          |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Strong-Ricco (LAKS)  
11-Steven Lacheney {Peninsula}                                                                      -395|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   23-6
                                   -21|Lacheney (PENS)                                                  |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Lacheney (PENS)                            |
BYE                                                     -131|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:22         |                     |
                                   -22|Lonergan  (WRIV)     |                     |                     |
10-Joey Lonergan  {White River}       |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Lacheney (PENS)      |
09-Mike McNamara {Lakes}                                                      -290|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 3:28         
                                   -23|O'Riley (BLAK)                             |
12-Sean O'Riley {Bonney Lake}         |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 2:45         |                     |
                                                            |09-Cole Snider (ENUM)|
BYE                                                     -132|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 2:38         
                                   -24|09-Cole Snider (ENUM)|
09-Cole Snider {Enumclaw}             |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 119

                                                                  11-Robby Slick (BLAK)
                      O'Riley (BLAK)                              ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-289                |
BYE                   L-132                |09-Riley Embly (PENS)                      |
---------------------\                 -233|---------------------\                     |11-Robby Slick (BLAK)
 L-17                |09-Riley Embly (PENS)|   Fall 4:53         |                 -341|---------------------\
                 -133|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 3:20         |
09-Riley Embly (PENS)|   BYE                                     |Kelley  (WRIV)       |                     |
---------------------/                                       -291|---------------------/                     |
 L-18                 Lonergan  (WRIV)                           |   Fall 0:59                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
Kelley  (WRIV)        L-131                |Kelley  (WRIV)       |                                           |
---------------------\                 -234|---------------------/                                           |11-Robby Slick (BLAK)
 L-19                |Kelley  (WRIV)       |   Fall 5:03                                                 -381|---------------------
                 -134|---------------------/                                                                 |   6-5
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            09-Cole Snider (ENUM)                      |
 L-20                 Otey  (FKPR)                                ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-290                |                     |
BYE                   L-130                |Otey  (FKPR)                               |                     |
---------------------\                 -235|---------------------\                     |09-Cole Snider (ENUM)|
 L-21                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -342|---------------------/
                 -135|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 2:40         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |McNamara (LAKS)      |
---------------------/                                       -292|---------------------/
 L-22                 Pontelandolfo (ENUM)                       |   10-6              
                      ---------------------\                     |
McNamara (LAKS)       L-129                |McNamara (LAKS)      |                      Kelley  (WRIV)                  FIFTH
---------------------\                 -236|---------------------/                 L-341---------------------\
 L-23                |McNamara (LAKS)      |   8-5                                                           |McNamara (LAKS)      
                 -136|---------------------/                                                             -367|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            McNamara (LAKS)      |   Fall 4:18
---------------------/                                                             L-342---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 125
12-Sam Bauer  {Enumclaw}                                                                            1. 12-Sam Bauer  (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-Tyler Wooding  (SUMN)
                                   -25|12-Sam Bauer  (ENUM)                                         3. 12-Jericho Urmenita (AMTV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 12-Pat Bendon (BLAK)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Drew Dacey (AMTV)
                                                            |12-Sam Bauer  (ENUM)                   6. 10-Russell Horton (ENUM)
12-Jericho Urmenita {Auburn Mountainvi                  -137|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 4:52         |                 
                                   -26|Urmenita (AMTV)      |                     |
09-Payton Spracklin  {Franklin Pierce}|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall :56                                |
                                                                                  |12-Sam Bauer  (ENUM) 
10-RJ Allen {Lakes}                                                           -293|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   13-0              |
                                   -27|10-RJ Allen (LAKS)                         |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |12-Pat Bendon (BLAK) |                     |
BYE                                                     -138|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 2:24                               |
                                   -28|12-Pat Bendon (BLAK) |                                           |
12-Pat Bendon {Bonney Lake}           |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  12-Sam Bauer  (ENUM) 
11-Drew Dacey {Auburn Mountainview}                                                                 -396|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   10-7
                                   -29|11-Drew Dacey (AMTV)                                             |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |11-Drew Dacey (AMTV)                       |
11-Trevor Rush {Bonney Lake}                            -139|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:30         |                     |
                                   -30|11-Trevor Rush (BLAK)|                     |                     |
10- Jake Boley {Peninsula}            |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   10-5                                    |                     |
                                                                                  |Wooding  (SUMN)      |
11-Roger Rowland  {White River}                                               -294|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   10-8              
                                   -31|Horton (ENUM)                              |
10-Russell Horton {Enumclaw}          |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   7-5               |                     |
                                                            |Wooding  (SUMN)      |
BYE                                                     -140|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 2:48         
                                   -32|Wooding  (SUMN)      |
12-Tyler Wooding  {Sumner}            |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 125

                                                                  12-Pat Bendon (BLAK) 
                      Horton (ENUM)                               ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-293                |
BYE                   L-140                |Horton (ENUM)                              |
---------------------\                 -237|---------------------\                     |12-Pat Bendon (BLAK) 
 L-25                |Spracklin  (FKPR)    |   16-0              |                 -343|---------------------\
                 -141|---------------------/                     |                     |   15-0              |
Spracklin  (FKPR)    |   BYE                                     |Horton (ENUM)        |                     |
---------------------/                                       -295|---------------------/                     |
 L-26                 11-Trevor Rush (BLAK)                      |   Forfeit                                 |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-139                |11-Trevor Rush (BLAK)|                                           |
---------------------\                 -238|---------------------/                                           |Urmenita (AMTV)      
 L-27                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -382|---------------------
                 -142|---------------------/                                                                 |   4-2
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            11-Drew Dacey (AMTV)                       |
 L-28                 10-RJ Allen (LAKS)                          ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-294                |                     |
BYE                   L-138                |10- Jake Boley (PENS)                      |                     |
---------------------\                 -239|---------------------\                     |Urmenita (AMTV)      |
 L-29                |10- Jake Boley (PENS)|   9-4               |                 -344|---------------------/
                 -143|---------------------/                     |                     |   7-6               
10- Jake Boley (PENS)|   BYE                                     |Urmenita (AMTV)      |
---------------------/                                       -296|---------------------/
 L-30                 Urmenita (AMTV)                            |   Fall 2:49         
                      ---------------------\                     |
Rowland  (WRIV)       L-137                |Urmenita (AMTV)      |                      Horton (ENUM)                   FIFTH
---------------------\                 -240|---------------------/                 L-343---------------------\
 L-31                |Rowland  (WRIV)      |   Fall 2:10                                                     |11-Drew Dacey (AMTV) 
                 -144|---------------------/                                                             -368|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            11-Drew Dacey (AMTV) |   Fall 3:24
---------------------/                                                             L-344---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 130
12-David Kuich  {Franklin Pierce}                                                                   1. 12-Wayne Horton  (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-David Kuich  (FKPR)
                                   -33|Kuich  (FKPR)                                                3. 12-Jeremy Gurule  (WRIV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 11-TJ Peretti (AMTV)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Robert Kautzman  (WRIV)
                                                            |Kuich  (FKPR)                          6. 11-Tanner Southland (ENUM)
9-Sean Happeny {Auburn Mountainview}                    -145|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 2:43         |                 
                                   -34|09-Tyler Allen (PENS)|                     |
09-Tyler Allen {Peninsula}            |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:05                               |
                                                                                  |Kuich  (FKPR)        
10-Divin McNeil {Lakes}                                                       -297|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   7-3               |
                                   -35|Southland (ENUM)                           |                     |
11-Tanner Southland {Enumclaw}        |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   8-3               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Gurule  (WRIV)       |                     |
11-Phil Hathaway {Bonney Lake}                          -146|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 2:36                               |
                                   -36|Gurule  (WRIV)       |                                           |
12-Jeremy Gurule  {White River}       |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:02                                                     |
                                                                                                        |  Horton  (ENUM)       
12-Wayne Horton  {Enumclaw}                                                                         -397|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   4-2
                                   -37|Horton  (ENUM)                                                   |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Horton  (ENUM)                             |
11-Robert Kautzman  {White River}                       -147|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:56         |                     |
                                   -38|Kautzman  (WRIV)     |                     |                     |
11-Gordi St. Peter {Bonney Lake}      |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:15                               |                     |
                                                                                  |Horton  (ENUM)       |
12-Raffel Ghsiv  {Sumner}                                                     -298|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:29         
                                   -39|Miller  (FKPR)                             |
09-Damon Miller  {Franklin Pierce}    |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   fall 1:03         |                     |
                                                            |11-TJ Peretti (AMTV) |
BYE                                                     -148|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:10         
                                   -40|11-TJ Peretti (AMTV) |
11-TJ Peretti {Auburn Mountainview}   |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 130

                                                                  Gurule  (WRIV)       
                      Miller  (FKPR)                              ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-297                |
BYE                   L-148                |Miller  (FKPR)                             |
---------------------\                 -241|---------------------\                     |Gurule  (WRIV)       
 L-33                |9-Sean Happeny (AMTV)|   Fall 0:57         |                 -345|---------------------\
                 -149|---------------------/                     |                     |   14-0              |
9-Sean Happeny (AMTV)|   BYE                                     |Kautzman  (WRIV)     |                     |
---------------------/                                       -299|---------------------/                     |
 L-34                 Kautzman  (WRIV)                           |   Fall 0:47                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
McNeil (LAKS)         L-147                |Kautzman  (WRIV)     |                                           |
---------------------\                 -242|---------------------/                                           |Gurule  (WRIV)       
 L-35                |McNeil (LAKS)        |   10-2                                                      -383|---------------------
                 -150|---------------------/                                                                 |   3-0
Hathaway (BLAK)      |   12-3                                                                                |
---------------------/                                            11-TJ Peretti (AMTV)                       |
 L-36                 Southland (ENUM)                            ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-298                |                     |
BYE                   L-146                |Southland (ENUM)                           |                     |
---------------------\                 -243|---------------------\                     |11-TJ Peretti (AMTV) |
 L-37                |St. Peter (BLAK)     |   8-6               |                 -346|---------------------/
                 -151|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 59           
St. Peter (BLAK)     |   BYE                                     |Southland (ENUM)     |
---------------------/                                       -300|---------------------/
 L-38                 09-Tyler Allen (PENS)                      |   7-0               
                      ---------------------\                     |
Ghsiv  (SUMN)         L-145                |09-Tyler Allen (PENS)|                      Kautzman  (WRIV)                FIFTH
---------------------\                 -244|---------------------/                 L-345---------------------\
 L-39                |Ghsiv  (SUMN)        |   Fall 5:03                                                     |Kautzman  (WRIV)     
                 -152|---------------------/                                                             -369|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Southland (ENUM)     |   5-0
---------------------/                                                             L-346---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 135
11-Tyler King {Auburn Mountainview}                                                                 1. 11-Tyler King (AMTV)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-Erik Booth  (FKPR)
                                   -41|11-Tyler King (AMTV)                                         3. 11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 11-Kyle Young (ENUM)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Chance Mitchell (ENUM)
                                                            |11-Tyler King (AMTV)                   6. 10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)
11-Alex Kulsa {Bonney Lake}                             -153|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:03         |                 
                                   -42|11-Alex Kulsa (BLAK) |                     |
10-Joel Redfield  {Franklin Pierce}   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:29                               |
                                                                                  |11-Tyler King (AMTV) 
09-Allen Arneson {Lakes}                                                      -301|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   9-3               |
                                   -43|Crawford  (WRIV)                           |                     |
10-John Crawford  {White River}       |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 2:54         |                     |                     |
                                                            |11-Kyle Young (ENUM) |                     |
BYE                                                     -154|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   18-3                                    |
                                   -44|11-Kyle Young (ENUM) |                                           |
11-Kyle Young {Enumclaw}              |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  11-Tyler King (AMTV) 
11-Nick Bendon {Bonney Lake}                                                                        -398|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   10-2
                                   -45|11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)                                            |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)                      |
11-Chance Mitchell {Enumclaw}                           -155|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   13-10             |                     |
                                   -46|Mitchell (ENUM)      |                     |                     |
10-Tony Tyler  {White River}          |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:45                               |                     |
                                                                                  |12-Erik Booth  (FKPR)|
9-Brooks Ernst  {Clover Park}                                                 -302|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   8-1               
                                   -47|Reber (AMTV)                               |
12-Michael Reber {Auburn Mountainview}|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 0:30         |                     |
                                                            |12-Erik Booth  (FKPR)|
BYE                                                     -156|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:05         
                                   -48|12-Erik Booth  (FKPR)|
12-Erik Booth  {Franklin Pierce}      |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 135

                                                                  11-Kyle Young (ENUM) 
                      Reber (AMTV)                                ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-301                |
BYE                   L-156                |Reber (AMTV)                               |
---------------------\                 -245|---------------------\                     |11-Kyle Young (ENUM) 
 L-41                |Redfield  (FKPR)     |   15-0              |                 -347|---------------------\
                 -157|---------------------/                     |                     |   8-6               |
Redfield  (FKPR)     |   BYE                                     |Mitchell (ENUM)      |                     |
---------------------/                                       -303|---------------------/                     |
 L-42                 Mitchell (ENUM)                            |   Fall 1:36                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
Arneson (LAKS)        L-155                |Mitchell (ENUM)      |                                           |
---------------------\                 -246|---------------------/                                           |11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)
 L-43                |Arneson (LAKS)       |   Fall 1:47                                                 -384|---------------------
                 -158|---------------------/                                                                 |   9-2
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)                      |
 L-44                 Crawford  (WRIV)                            ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-302                |                     |
BYE                   L-154                |10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)                      |                     |
---------------------\                 -247|---------------------\                     |11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)|
 L-45                |10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)|   13-5              |                 -348|---------------------/
                 -159|---------------------/                     |                     |   13-5              
10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)|   BYE                                     |10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)|
---------------------/                                       -304|---------------------/
 L-46                 11-Alex Kulsa (BLAK)                       |   Fall 3:06         
                      ---------------------\                     |
Ernst  (CLPK)         L-153                |11-Alex Kulsa (BLAK) |                      Mitchell (ENUM)                 FIFTH
---------------------\                 -248|---------------------/                 L-347---------------------\
 L-47                |Ernst  (CLPK)        |   Fall 0:26                                                     |Mitchell (ENUM)      
                 -160|---------------------/                                                             -370|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)|   Fall 3:46
---------------------/                                                             L-348---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 140
12-Jason Gray  {Enumclaw}                                                                           1. 12-Jason Gray  (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 10-Josh Musick (ENUM)
                                   -49|12-Jason Gray  (ENUM)                                        3. 11-Alec Williams  (WRIV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 11-Josh Peart (BLAK)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Anthony Moore  (WRIV)
                                                            |12-Jason Gray  (ENUM)                  6. 12-Brandon Turner  (FKPR)
12-Chris Rae {Bonney Lake}                              -161|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   14-3              |                 
                                   -50|Moore  (WRIV)        |                     |
11-Anthony Moore  {White River}       |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   fall 3:21                               |
                                                                                  |12-Jason Gray  (ENUM)
12-Brandon Turner  {Franklin Pierce}                                          -305|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 0:44         |
                                   -51|Turner  (FKPR)                             |                     |
10-Leo Cichosz {Auburn Mountainview}  |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   8-4               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Turner  (FKPR)       |                     |
BYE                                                     -162|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   8-4                                     |
                                   -52|12-John Henry (PENS) |                                           |
12-John Henry {Peninsula}             |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  12-Jason Gray  (ENUM)
11-Josh Peart {Bonney Lake}                                                                         -399|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   7-5
                                   -53|11-Josh Peart (BLAK)                                             |
10-Colemen Byrd  {Franklin Pierce}    |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   fall 2:17         |                                           |
                                                            |11-Josh Peart (BLAK)                       |
11-Nicholas Bertsh {Peninsula}                          -163|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   13-4              |                     |
                                   -54|Ramirez (LAKS)       |                     |                     |
10-Will Ramirez {Lakes}               |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:44                               |                     |
                                                                                  |10-Josh Musick (ENUM)|
9-Erik English {Auburn Mountainview}                                          -306|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   12-1              
                                   -55|10-Josh Musick (ENUM)                      |
10-Josh Musick {Enumclaw}             |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:25         |                     |
                                                            |10-Josh Musick (ENUM)|
BYE                                                     -164|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   10-0              
                                   -56|Williams  (WRIV)     |
11-Alec Williams  {White River}       |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 140

                                                                  Turner  (FKPR)       
                      Williams  (WRIV)                            ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-305                |
BYE                   L-164                |Williams  (WRIV)                           |
---------------------\                 -249|---------------------\                     |Williams  (WRIV)     
 L-49                |12-Chris Rae (BLAK)  |   Fall 2:32         |                 -349|---------------------\
                 -165|---------------------/                     |                     |   11-2              |
12-Chris Rae (BLAK)  |   BYE                                     |Williams  (WRIV)     |                     |
---------------------/                                       -307|---------------------/                     |
 L-50                 Ramirez (LAKS)                             |   10-3                                    |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
10-Leo Cichosz (AMTV) L-163                |Ramirez (LAKS)       |                                           |
---------------------\                 -250|---------------------/                                           |Williams  (WRIV)     
 L-51                |10-Leo Cichosz (AMTV)|   13-8                                                      -385|---------------------
                 -166|---------------------/                                                                 |   7-2
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            11-Josh Peart (BLAK)                       |
 L-52                 12-John Henry (PENS)                        ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-306                |                     |
Byrd  (FKPR)          L-162                |12-John Henry (PENS)                       |                     |
---------------------\                 -251|---------------------\                     |11-Josh Peart (BLAK) |
 L-53                |Bertsh (PENS)        |   10-3              |                 -350|---------------------/
                 -167|---------------------/                     |                     |   5-0               
Bertsh (PENS)        |   9-5                                     |Moore  (WRIV)        |
---------------------/                                       -308|---------------------/
 L-54                 Moore  (WRIV)                              |   5-4               
                      ---------------------\                     |
9-Erik English (AMTV) L-161                |Moore  (WRIV)        |                      Turner  (FKPR)                  FIFTH
---------------------\                 -252|---------------------/                 L-349---------------------\
 L-55                |9-Erik English (AMTV)|   3-0                                                           |Moore  (WRIV)        
                 -168|---------------------/                                                             -371|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Moore  (WRIV)        |   4-3
---------------------/                                                             L-350---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 145
12-Addison Tracy {Bonney Lake}                                                                      1. 12-Addison Tracy (BLAK)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-Jacob Jokela  (ENUM)
                                   -57|Tracy (BLAK)                                                 3. 12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)
10-Peter Marth  {Sumner}              |---------------------\                                       4. 12-Philip Ramirez  (SUMN)
--------------------------------------/   Fall 0:52         |                                       5. 10-Micheal Sly (PENS)
                                                            |Tracy (BLAK)                           6. 09-Jake Leuders (BLAK)
11-AJ Molieri {Enumclaw}                                -169|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:37         |                 
                                   -58|Shirey (WRIV)        |                     |
10-Austin Shirey {White River}        |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 2:09                               |
                                                                                  |Tracy (BLAK)         
10-Justin Martinez  {Clover Park}                                             -309|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 0:59         |
                                   -59|Martinez  (CLPK)                           |                     |
12-Noble Mathew {Auburn Mountainview} |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:20         |                     |                     |
                                                            |10-Micheal Sly (PENS)|                     |
09-Kyle Peart  {Franklin Pierce}                        -170|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   8-4                                     |
                                   -60|10-Micheal Sly (PENS)|                                           |
10-Micheal Sly {Peninsula}            |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:10                                                     |
                                                                                                        |  Tracy (BLAK)         
12-Cody Mangan {Auburn Mountainview}                                                                -400|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   9-1
                                   -61|12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)                                            |
09-Brennon Gulin  {White River}       |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:01         |                                           |
                                                            |12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)                      |
09-Jake Leuders {Bonney Lake}                           -171|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   8-2               |                     |
                                   -62|Ramirez  (SUMN)      |                     |                     |
12-Philip Ramirez  {Sumner}           |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   10-6                                    |                     |
                                                                                  |Jokela  (ENUM)       |
11-Mitchell Bloom  {Franklin Pierce}                                          -310|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   6-3               
                                   -63|Bloom  (FKPR)                              |
09-Ricky Chenewoth {Peninsula}        |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   9-8               |                     |
                                                            |Jokela  (ENUM)       |
BYE                                                     -172|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:30         
                                   -64|Jokela  (ENUM)       |
12-Jacob Jokela  {Enumclaw}           |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 145

                                                                  10-Micheal Sly (PENS)
                      Bloom  (FKPR)                               ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-309                |
Marth  (SUMN)         L-172                |11-AJ Molieri (ENUM)                       |
---------------------\                 -253|---------------------\                     |Ramirez  (SUMN)      
 L-57                |11-AJ Molieri (ENUM) |   Fall 0:48         |                 -351|---------------------\
                 -173|---------------------/                     |                     |   5-3               |
11-AJ Molieri (ENUM) |   Fall 2:56                               |Ramirez  (SUMN)      |                     |
---------------------/                                       -311|---------------------/                     |
 L-58                 Ramirez  (SUMN)                            |   Fall 4:32                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
Mathew (AMTV)         L-171                |Ramirez  (SUMN)      |                                           |
---------------------\                 -254|---------------------/                                           |12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)
 L-59                |Mathew (AMTV)        |   Fall 2:03                                                 -386|---------------------
                 -174|---------------------/                                                                 |   5-4
09-Kyle Peart  (FKPR)|   Fall 0:52                                                                           |
---------------------/                                            12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)                      |
 L-60                 Martinez  (CLPK)                            ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-310                |                     |
Gulin  (WRIV)         L-170                |Leuders (BLAK)                             |                     |
---------------------\                 -255|---------------------\                     |12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)|
 L-61                |Leuders (BLAK)       |   Fall 2:43         |                 -352|---------------------/
                 -175|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 4:37         
Leuders (BLAK)       |   Fall 1:44                               |Leuders (BLAK)       |
---------------------/                                       -312|---------------------/
 L-62                 Shirey (WRIV)                              |   11-4              
                      ---------------------\                     |
Chenewoth (PENS)      L-169                |Shirey (WRIV)        |                      10-Micheal Sly (PENS)           FIFTH
---------------------\                 -256|---------------------/                 L-351---------------------\
 L-63                |Chenewoth (PENS)     |   10-2                                                          |10-Micheal Sly (PENS)
                 -176|---------------------/                                                             -372|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Leuders (BLAK)       |   4-2
---------------------/                                                             L-352---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 152
12-Isaac Tadeo {Auburn Mountainview}                                                                1. 10-Kario Wallin  (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-Isaac Tadeo (AMTV)
                                   -65|12-Isaac Tadeo (AMTV)                                        3. 12-Joey Salgado (BLAK)
11-Nick Grimm  {White River}          |---------------------\                                       4. 10-Lucas Huyber (AMTV)
--------------------------------------/   17-2              |                                       5. 11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)
                                                            |12-Isaac Tadeo (AMTV)                  6. 11-Chase Oswalt (PENS)
10-Simon Medrano  {Clover Park}                         -177|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 4:55         |                 
                                   -66|Bricker  (SUMN)      |                     |
11-Alex Bricker  {Sumner}             |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   16-1                                    |
                                                                                  |12-Isaac Tadeo (AMTV)
11-Sean McNeil {Lakes}                                                        -313|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   5-2               |
                                   -67|11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)                      |                     |
12-Marc Lewis {Enumclaw}              |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   16-5              |                     |                     |
                                                            |11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)|                     |
12-Peter Swift  {Franklin Pierce}                       -178|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   8-6                                     |
                                   -68|Salgado (BLAK)       |                                           |
12-Joey Salgado {Bonney Lake}         |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:17                                                     |
                                                                                                        |  Wallin  (ENUM)       
11-Torrey Turner  {Franklin Pierce}                                                                 -401|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   9-3
                                   -69|Turner  (FKPR)                                                   |
9-James Rasmussen  {Clover Park}      |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 4:55         |                                           |
                                                            |Oswalt (PENS)                              |
10-Justin Rush {Bonney Lake}                            -179|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   8-5               |                     |
                                   -70|Oswalt (PENS)        |                     |                     |
11-Chase Oswalt {Peninsula}           |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:37                               |                     |
                                                                                  |Wallin  (ENUM)       |
11-Connor Leckman  {White River}                                              -314|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 0:32         
                                   -71|Huyber (AMTV)                              |
10-Lucas Huyber {Auburn Mountainview} |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   9-1               |                     |
                                                            |Wallin  (ENUM)       |
09-Stephen Gomes {Peninsula}                            -180|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 5:53         
                                   -72|Wallin  (ENUM)       |
10-Kario Wallin  {Enumclaw}           |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:54         

      Consolation for Weight class : 152

                                                                  11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)
                      Huyber (AMTV)                               ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-313                |
11-Nick Grimm  (WRIV) L-180                |Huyber (AMTV)                              |
---------------------\                 -257|---------------------\                     |Huyber (AMTV)        
 L-65                |11-Nick Grimm  (WRIV)|   Fall 4:50         |                 -353|---------------------\
                 -181|---------------------/                     |                     |   6-2               |
Medrano  (CLPK)      |   Fall 0:46                               |Huyber (AMTV)        |                     |
---------------------/                                       -315|---------------------/                     |
 L-66                 Turner  (FKPR)                             |   7-3                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
12-Marc Lewis (ENUM)  L-179                |Turner  (FKPR)       |                                           |
---------------------\                 -258|---------------------/                                           |Salgado (BLAK)       
 L-67                |12-Marc Lewis (ENUM) |   10-0                                                      -387|---------------------
                 -182|---------------------/                                                                 |   13-2
Swift  (FKPR)        |   Fall 2:42                                                                           |
---------------------/                                            Oswalt (PENS)                              |
 L-68                 Salgado (BLAK)                              ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-314                |                     |
Rasmussen  (CLPK)     L-178                |Salgado (BLAK)                             |                     |
---------------------\                 -259|---------------------\                     |Salgado (BLAK)       |
 L-69                |10-Justin Rush (BLAK)|   Forfeit           |                 -354|---------------------/
                 -183|---------------------/                     |                     |   15-5              
10-Justin Rush (BLAK)|   Fall 2:54                               |Salgado (BLAK)       |
---------------------/                                       -316|---------------------/
 L-70                 Bricker  (SUMN)                            |   7-3               
                      ---------------------\                     |
Leckman  (WRIV)       L-177                |Leckman  (WRIV)      |                      11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)           FIFTH
---------------------\                 -260|---------------------/                 L-353---------------------\
 L-71                |Leckman  (WRIV)      |   6-1                                                           |11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)
                 -184|---------------------/                                                             -373|---------------------
Gomes (PENS)         |   6-1                                                            Oswalt (PENS)        |   6-1
---------------------/                                                             L-354---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 160
12-Connor Elder  {Enumclaw}                                                                         1. 12-Connor Elder  (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-Michael Madden  (WRIV)
                                   -73|Elder  (ENUM)                                                3. 11-Austin Bethel  (WRIV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 11-Patric Peterson (AMTV)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)
                                                            |Elder  (ENUM)                          6. 11-Darric Reichert (PENS)
9-Paco Palomar  {Clover Park}                           -185|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:44         |                 
                                   -74|12-CJ Jacoby (LAKS)  |                     |
12-CJ Jacoby {Lakes}                  |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:58                               |
                                                                                  |Elder  (ENUM)        
12-Ernie Teutscher  {Franklin Pierce}                                         -317|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   12-2              |
                                   -75|Bethel  (WRIV)                             |                     |
11-Austin Bethel  {White River}       |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:37         |                     |                     |
                                                            |Bethel  (WRIV)       |                     |
11-Patric Peterson {Auburn Mountainvie                  -186|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   4-2                                     |
                                   -76|Peterson (AMTV)      |                                           |
09-Evan Dorsey {Bonney Lake}          |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:52                                                     |
                                                                                                        |  Elder  (ENUM)        
11-Cody McNeil {Auburn Mountainview}                                                                -402|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   9-2
                                   -77|11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)                                            |
11-Sean Parker {Bonney Lake}          |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 3:50         |                                           |
                                                            |11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)                      |
10-Willy Harper {Lakes}                                 -187|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   16-0              |                     |
                                   -78|Harper (LAKS)        |                     |                     |
10-Matt Wilson  {Sumner}              |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   12-10                                   |                     |
                                                                                  |Madden  (WRIV)       |
11-Darric Reichert {Peninsula}                                                -318|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 2:24         
                                   -79|Reichert (PENS)                            |
10-Adam Connors {Enumclaw}            |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 5:00         |                     |
                                                            |Madden  (WRIV)       |
BYE                                                     -188|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:43         
                                   -80|Madden  (WRIV)       |
12-Michael Madden  {White River}      |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 160

                                                                  Bethel  (WRIV)       
                      Reichert (PENS)                             ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-317                |
BYE                   L-188                |Reichert (PENS)                            |
---------------------\                 -261|---------------------\                     |Bethel  (WRIV)       
 L-73                |Palomar  (CLPK)      |   inj def           |                 -355|---------------------\
                 -189|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 4:09         |
Palomar  (CLPK)      |   BYE                                     |Reichert (PENS)      |                     |
---------------------/                                       -319|---------------------/                     |
 L-74                 Harper (LAKS)                              |   Fall 4:24                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
Teutscher  (FKPR)     L-187                |09-Evan Dorsey (BLAK)|                                           |
---------------------\                 -262|---------------------/                                           |Bethel  (WRIV)       
 L-75                |09-Evan Dorsey (BLAK)|   Fall 3:43                                                 -388|---------------------
                 -190|---------------------/                                                                 |   5-0
09-Evan Dorsey (BLAK)|   Fall 2:58                                                                           |
---------------------/                                            11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)                      |
 L-76                 Peterson (AMTV)                             ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-318                |                     |
11-Sean Parker (BLAK) L-186                |Peterson (AMTV)                            |                     |
---------------------\                 -263|---------------------\                     |Peterson (AMTV)      |
 L-77                |Wilson  (SUMN)       |   Fall 2:23         |                 -356|---------------------/
                 -191|---------------------/                     |                     |   6-5               
Wilson  (SUMN)       |   6-4                                     |Peterson (AMTV)      |
---------------------/                                       -320|---------------------/
 L-78                 12-CJ Jacoby (LAKS)                        |   Fall 4:03         
                      ---------------------\                     |
Connors (ENUM)        L-185                |Connors (ENUM)       |                      Reichert (PENS)                 FIFTH
---------------------\                 -264|---------------------/                 L-355---------------------\
 L-79                |Connors (ENUM)       |   6-2                                                           |11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)
                 -192|---------------------/                                                             -374|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)|   Fall 4:21
---------------------/                                                             L-356---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 171
12- Theo McLean-Burrell {Clover Park}                                                               1. 12-Gino Russel (WRIV)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12- Luke Peterson (AMTV)
                                   -81|Theo McLean-Burrell (                                        3. 12- Josiah Rayls (LAKS)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 12-Joey Vanwinkle (ENUM)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 12- Theo McLean-Burrell (CLPK)
                                                            |Theo McLean-Burrell (                  6. 11-Michael P Madden (WRIV)
11-DJ Qualls {Enumclaw}                                 -193|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   1-0               |                 
                                   -82|11-DJ Qualls (ENUM)  |                     |
11-Anthony Hien {Peninsula}           |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   15-0                                    |
                                                                                  |Luke Peterson (AMTV) 
12-Aaron Roberts {Franklin Pierce}                                            -321|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   13-11             |
                                   -83|P Madden (WRIV)                            |                     |
11-Michael P Madden {White River}     |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   9-4               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Luke Peterson (AMTV) |                     |
BYE                                                     -194|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:39                               |
                                   -84|Luke Peterson (AMTV) |                                           |
12- Luke Peterson {Auburn Mountainview|---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  12-Gino Russel (WRIV)
12-Joey Vanwinkle {Enumclaw}                                                                        -403|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall 2:45
                                   -85|Vanwinkle (ENUM)                                                 |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Vanwinkle (ENUM)                           |
12-Andrew Schoengarth {Bonney Lake}                     -195|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 4:22         |                     |
                                   -86|Josiah Rayls (LAKS)  |                     |                     |
12- Josiah Rayls {Lakes}              |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 0:15                               |                     |
                                                                                  |12-Gino Russel (WRIV)|
11-Davis Vance {Bonney Lake}                                                  -322|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 3:35         
                                   -87|11-Davis Vance (BLAK)                      |
09-Patrick Reding  {Franklin Pierce}  |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 0:40         |                     |
                                                            |12-Gino Russel (WRIV)|
BYE                                                     -196|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   20-2              
                                   -88|12-Gino Russel (WRIV)|
12-Gino Russel {White River}          |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 171

                                                                  Theo McLean-Burrell (
                      11-Davis Vance (BLAK)                       ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-321                |
BYE                   L-196                |11-Davis Vance (BLAK)                      |
---------------------\                 -265|---------------------\                     |Josiah Rayls (LAKS)  
 L-81                |Hien (PENS)          |   Fall 2:55         |                 -357|---------------------\
                 -197|---------------------/                     |                     |   14-7              |
Hien (PENS)          |   BYE                                     |Josiah Rayls (LAKS)  |                     |
---------------------/                                       -323|---------------------/                     |
 L-82                 Josiah Rayls (LAKS)                        |   Fall 0:38                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
Roberts (FKPR)        L-195                |Josiah Rayls (LAKS)  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -266|---------------------/                                           |Josiah Rayls (LAKS)  
 L-83                |Roberts (FKPR)       |   Fall 0:49                                                 -389|---------------------
                 -198|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall 2:03
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Vanwinkle (ENUM)                           |
 L-84                 P Madden (WRIV)                             ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-322                |                     |
BYE                   L-194                |P Madden (WRIV)                            |                     |
---------------------\                 -267|---------------------\                     |Vanwinkle (ENUM)     |
 L-85                |Schoengarth (BLAK)   |   Fall 0:40         |                 -358|---------------------/
                 -199|---------------------/                     |                     |   10-8              
Schoengarth (BLAK)   |   BYE                                     |P Madden (WRIV)      |
---------------------/                                       -324|---------------------/
 L-86                 11-DJ Qualls (ENUM)                        |   5-3               
                      ---------------------\                     |
Reding  (FKPR)        L-193                |11-DJ Qualls (ENUM)  |                      Theo McLean-Burrell (           FIFTH
---------------------\                 -268|---------------------/                 L-357---------------------\
 L-87                |Reding  (FKPR)       |   Fall 2:53                                                     |Theo McLean-Burrell (
                 -200|---------------------/                                                             -375|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            P Madden (WRIV)      |   inj def
---------------------/                                                             L-358---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 189
12-Tyler Rewoldt  {Enumclaw}                                                                        1. 12-Mike Staples (ENUM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 12-Tyler Rewoldt  (ENUM)
                                   -89|Rewoldt  (ENUM)                                              3. 12-Dwayne McCarver  (FKPR)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 12-Sam Mebarki (BLAK)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Shay Davidson (PENS)
                                                            |Rewoldt  (ENUM)                        6. 12-Joey Anderson  (WRIV)
BYE                                                     -201|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:43         |                 
                                   -90|09-Jevon Adams (LAKS)|                     |
09-Jevon Adams {Lakes}                |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Rewoldt  (ENUM)      
12-Joey Anderson  {White River}                                               -325|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 5:11         |
                                   -91|Anderson  (WRIV)                           |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Anderson  (WRIV)     |                     |
11-Jacob Short  {White River}                           -202|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   9-8                                     |
                                   -92|Davidson (PENS)      |                                           |
11-Shay Davidson {Peninsula}          |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:16                                                     |
                                                                                                        |  Staples (ENUM)       
12-Sam Mebarki {Bonney Lake}                                                                        -404|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   9-8
                                   -93|12-Sam Mebarki (BLAK)                                            |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |12-Sam Mebarki (BLAK)                      |
09-Trevor Ryan {Peninsula}                              -203|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 2:34         |                     |
                                   -94|11-Zach Huyber (AMTV)|                     |                     |
11-Zach Huyber {Auburn Mountainview}  |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 4:49                               |                     |
                                                                                  |Staples (ENUM)       |
BYE                                                                           -326|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   15-5              
                                   -95|Staples (ENUM)                             |
12-Mike Staples {Enumclaw}            |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Staples (ENUM)       |
BYE                                                     -204|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   10-8              
                                   -96|McCarver  (FKPR)     |
12-Dwayne McCarver  {Franklin Pierce} |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 189

                                                                  Anderson  (WRIV)     
                      McCarver  (FKPR)                            ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-325                |
BYE                   L-204                |McCarver  (FKPR)                           |
---------------------\                 -269|---------------------\                     |McCarver  (FKPR)     
 L-89                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -359|---------------------\
                 -205|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 2:48         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |McCarver  (FKPR)     |                     |
---------------------/                                       -327|---------------------/                     |
 L-90                 11-Zach Huyber (AMTV)                      |   Fall 1:57                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-203                |Short  (WRIV)        |                                           |
---------------------\                 -270|---------------------/                                           |McCarver  (FKPR)     
 L-91                |Short  (WRIV)        |   Fall 2:44                                                 -390|---------------------
                 -206|---------------------/                                                                 |   8-3
Short  (WRIV)        |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            12-Sam Mebarki (BLAK)                      |
 L-92                 Davidson (PENS)                             ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-326                |                     |
BYE                   L-202                |Davidson (PENS)                            |                     |
---------------------\                 -271|---------------------\                     |12-Sam Mebarki (BLAK)|
 L-93                |09-Trevor Ryan (PENS)|   Fall 2:59         |                 -360|---------------------/
                 -207|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 4:48         
09-Trevor Ryan (PENS)|   BYE                                     |Davidson (PENS)      |
---------------------/                                       -328|---------------------/
 L-94                 09-Jevon Adams (LAKS)                      |   Fall 2:24         
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-201                |09-Jevon Adams (LAKS)|                      Anderson  (WRIV)                FIFTH
---------------------\                 -272|---------------------/                 L-359---------------------\
 L-95                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                           |Davidson (PENS)      
                 -208|---------------------/                                                             -376|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Davidson (PENS)      |   8-7
---------------------/                                                             L-360---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 215
12-Kristian Agemotu {Auburn Mountainvi                                                              1. 11-Chase Myers  (WRIV)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 11-Brad McCutchen (ENUM)
                                   -97|Agemotu (AMTV)                                               3. 12-Kristian Agemotu (AMTV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 12-Keifer Comstock  (SUMN)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 10- Colton Sambrano (ENUM)
                                                            |Agemotu (AMTV)                         6. 09-Nate Rasmussen  (WRIV)
BYE                                                     -209|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:04         |                 
                                   -98|Colton Sambrano (ENUM|                     |
10- Colton Sambrano {Enumclaw}        |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Myers  (WRIV)        
12-Tyler Erickson  {Clover Park}                                              -329|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 3:40         |
                                   -99|Erickson  (CLPK)                           |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Myers  (WRIV)        |                     |
BYE                                                     -210|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:22                               |
                                  -100|Myers  (WRIV)        |                                           |
11-Chase Myers  {White River}         |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Myers  (WRIV)        
11-Brad McCutchen {Enumclaw}                                                                        -405|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall 1:27
                                  -101|McCutchen (ENUM)                                                 |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |McCutchen (ENUM)                           |
10-Jordan Hoover  {Clover Park}                         -211|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:34         |                     |
                                  -102|12-Jacob Long (LAKS) |                     |                     |
12-Jacob Long {Lakes}                 |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 0:42                               |                     |
                                                                                  |McCutchen (ENUM)     |
09-Nate Rasmussen  {White River}                                              -330|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   6-3               
                                  -103|Rasmussen  (WRIV)                          |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Comstock  (SUMN)     |
BYE                                                     -212|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   17-2              
                                  -104|Comstock  (SUMN)     |
12-Keifer Comstock  {Sumner}          |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 215

                                                                  Agemotu (AMTV)       
                      Rasmussen  (WRIV)                           ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-329                |
BYE                   L-212                |Rasmussen  (WRIV)                          |
---------------------\                 -273|---------------------\                     |Agemotu (AMTV)       
 L-97                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -361|---------------------\
                 -213|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 3:07         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Rasmussen  (WRIV)    |                     |
---------------------/                                       -331|---------------------/                     |
 L-98                 12-Jacob Long (LAKS)                       |   Fall 4:58                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-211                |12-Jacob Long (LAKS) |                                           |
---------------------\                 -274|---------------------/                                           |Agemotu (AMTV)       
 L-99                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -391|---------------------
                 -214|---------------------/                                                                 |   inj def
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Comstock  (SUMN)                           |
L-100                 Erickson  (CLPK)                            ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-330                |                     |
BYE                   L-210                |Erickson  (CLPK)                           |                     |
---------------------\                 -275|---------------------\                     |Comstock  (SUMN)     |
L-101                |Hoover  (CLPK)       |   Fall 0:58         |                 -362|---------------------/
                 -215|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 2:40         
Hoover  (CLPK)       |   BYE                                     |Colton Sambrano (ENUM|
---------------------/                                       -332|---------------------/
L-102                 Colton Sambrano (ENUM                      |   Fall 1:57         
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-209                |Colton Sambrano (ENUM|                      Rasmussen  (WRIV)               FIFTH
---------------------\                 -276|---------------------/                 L-361---------------------\
L-103                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                           |Colton Sambrano (ENUM
                 -216|---------------------/                                                             -377|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Colton Sambrano (ENUM|   Fall 3:58
---------------------/                                                             L-362---------------------/
                    2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
                                             Weight class : 285
10-David Meagher  {White River}                                                                     1. 11-Jared Dorsey (BLAK)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. 10-David Meagher  (WRIV)
                                  -105|Meagher  (WRIV)                                              3. 12-John Hamilton (PENS)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. 11-Jeff Wiltse (ENUM)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       5. 11-Kenny Dykeman (LAKS)
                                                            |Meagher  (WRIV)                        6. 10-Kyle Rodarte  (WRIV)
BYE                                                     -217|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:22         |                 
                                  -106|Diebert (CLPK)       |                     |
12-Kreig Diebert {Clover Park}        |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Meagher  (WRIV)      
11-Jeff Wiltse {Enumclaw}                                                     -333|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 3:33         |
                                  -107|11-Jeff Wiltse (ENUM)                      |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |11-Jeff Wiltse (ENUM)|                     |
BYE                                                     -218|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   6-3                                     |
                                  -108|Dykeman (LAKS)       |                                           |
11-Kenny Dykeman {Lakes}              |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Dorsey (BLAK)        
12-John Hamilton {Peninsula}                                                                        -406|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   5-3
                                  -109|Hamilton (PENS)                                                  |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Hamilton (PENS)                            |
BYE                                                     -219|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 0:47         |                     |
                                  -110|Ryan Curbow  (FKPR)  |                     |                     |
10- Ryan Curbow  {Franklin Pierce}    |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Dorsey (BLAK)        |
09-Juan Vargas {Clover Park}                                                  -334|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   10-1              
                                  -111|Rodarte  (WRIV)                            |
10-Kyle Rodarte  {White River}        |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 0:49         |                     |
                                                            |Dorsey (BLAK)        |
BYE                                                     -220|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   9-1               
                                  -112|Dorsey (BLAK)        |
11-Jared Dorsey {Bonney Lake}         |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 285

                                                                  11-Jeff Wiltse (ENUM)
                      Rodarte  (WRIV)                             ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-333                |
BYE                   L-220                |Rodarte  (WRIV)                            |
---------------------\                 -277|---------------------\                     |11-Jeff Wiltse (ENUM)
L-105                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -363|---------------------\
                 -221|---------------------/                     |                     |   4-2               |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Rodarte  (WRIV)      |                     |
---------------------/                                       -335|---------------------/                     |
L-106                 Ryan Curbow  (FKPR)                        |   Fall 3:15                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-219                |Ryan Curbow  (FKPR)  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -278|---------------------/                                           |Hamilton (PENS)      
L-107                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -392|---------------------
                 -222|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall 0:59
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Hamilton (PENS)                            |
L-108                 Dykeman (LAKS)                              ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-334                |                     |
BYE                   L-218                |Dykeman (LAKS)                             |                     |
---------------------\                 -279|---------------------\                     |Hamilton (PENS)      |
L-109                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -364|---------------------/
                 -223|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 3:25         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Dykeman (LAKS)       |
---------------------/                                       -336|---------------------/
L-110                 Diebert (CLPK)                             |   Fall 0:44         
                      ---------------------\                     |
09-Juan Vargas (CLPK) L-217                |09-Juan Vargas (CLPK)|                      Rodarte  (WRIV)                 FIFTH
---------------------\                 -280|---------------------/                 L-363---------------------\
L-111                |09-Juan Vargas (CLPK)|   Fall 1:49                                                     |Dykeman (LAKS)       
                 -224|---------------------/                                                             -378|---------------------
BYE                  |   BYE                                                            Dykeman (LAKS)       |   Fall 2:58
---------------------/                                                             L-364---------------------/
                              Wrestling Tournament Manager Software by A. D. Systems
2009 SPSL 3A Sub Regionals
Weight Class : 103
1. 09-Travis Reano (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	11-2
2. 09-Brandon Perry (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain
3. 10-Richard Geddes (WRIV)	White River    	17-14
4. 10-Kenny Griggs (LAKS)	Lakes          
5. 09-Robert Borders (PENS)	Peninsula      	8-5
6. 09-Andrew Bass (ENUM)	Enumclaw       

Weight Class : 112
1. 11-Matt Anderson (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	8-7
2. 10-Marcus Nickols (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
3. 11-Matt Miller  (FKPR)	Franklin Pierce	Fall 2:09
4. 11-Austin Wright (PENS)	Peninsula      
5. 09-Jonny Avila (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	13-6
6. 12-Tyler Anderson (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    

Weight Class : 119
1. 10-Justus Strong-Ricco (LAKS)	Lakes          	23-6
2. 11-Steven Lacheney (PENS)	Peninsula      
3. 11-Robby Slick (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    	6-5
4. 09-Cole Snider (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
5. 09-Mike McNamara (LAKS)	Lakes          	Fall 4:18
6. 09-Zach Kelley  (WRIV)	White River    

Weight Class : 125
1. 12-Sam Bauer  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	10-7
2. 12-Tyler Wooding  (SUMN)	Sumner         
3. 12-Jericho Urmenita (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	4-2
4. 12-Pat Bendon (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    
5. 11-Drew Dacey (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	Fall 3:24
6. 10-Russell Horton (ENUM)	Enumclaw       

Weight Class : 130
1. 12-Wayne Horton  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	4-2
2. 12-David Kuich  (FKPR)	Franklin Pierce
3. 12-Jeremy Gurule  (WRIV)	White River    	3-0
4. 11-TJ Peretti (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain
5. 11-Robert Kautzman  (WRIV)	White River    	5-0
6. 11-Tanner Southland (ENUM)	Enumclaw       

Weight Class : 135
1. 11-Tyler King (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	10-2
2. 12-Erik Booth  (FKPR)	Franklin Pierce
3. 11-Nick Bendon (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    	9-2
4. 11-Kyle Young (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
5. 11-Chance Mitchell (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	Fall 3:46
6. 10-Tony Tyler  (WRIV)	White River    

Weight Class : 140
1. 12-Jason Gray  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	7-5
2. 10-Josh Musick (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
3. 11-Alec Williams  (WRIV)	White River    	7-2
4. 11-Josh Peart (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    
5. 11-Anthony Moore  (WRIV)	White River    	4-3
6. 12-Brandon Turner  (FKPR)	Franklin Pierce

Weight Class : 145
1. 12-Addison Tracy (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    	9-1
2. 12-Jacob Jokela  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
3. 12-Cody Mangan (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	5-4
4. 12-Philip Ramirez  (SUMN)	Sumner         
5. 10-Micheal Sly (PENS)	Peninsula      	4-2
6. 09-Jake Leuders (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    

Weight Class : 152
1. 10-Kario Wallin  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	9-3
2. 12-Isaac Tadeo (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain
3. 12-Joey Salgado (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    	13-2
4. 10-Lucas Huyber (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain
5. 11-Sean McNeil (LAKS)	Lakes          	6-1
6. 11-Chase Oswalt (PENS)	Peninsula      

Weight Class : 160
1. 12-Connor Elder  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	9-2
2. 12-Michael Madden  (WRIV)	White River    
3. 11-Austin Bethel  (WRIV)	White River    	5-0
4. 11-Patric Peterson (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain
5. 11-Cody McNeil (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	Fall 4:21
6. 11-Darric Reichert (PENS)	Peninsula      

Weight Class : 171
1. 12-Gino Russel (WRIV)	White River    	Fall 2:45
2. 12- Luke Peterson (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain
3. 12- Josiah Rayls (LAKS)	Lakes          	Fall 2:03
4. 12-Joey Vanwinkle (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
5. 12- Theo McLean-Burrell (CLPK)	Clover Park    	inj def
6. 11-Michael P Madden (WRIV)	White River    

Weight Class : 189
1. 12-Mike Staples (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	9-8
2. 12-Tyler Rewoldt  (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
3. 12-Dwayne McCarver  (FKPR)	Franklin Pierce	8-3
4. 12-Sam Mebarki (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    
5. 11-Shay Davidson (PENS)	Peninsula      	8-7
6. 12-Joey Anderson  (WRIV)	White River    

Weight Class : 215
1. 11-Chase Myers  (WRIV)	White River    	Fall 1:27
2. 11-Brad McCutchen (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
3. 12-Kristian Agemotu (AMTV)	Auburn Mountain	inj def
4. 12-Keifer Comstock  (SUMN)	Sumner         
5. 10- Colton Sambrano (ENUM)	Enumclaw       	Fall 3:58
6. 09-Nate Rasmussen  (WRIV)	White River    

Weight Class : 285
1. 11-Jared Dorsey (BLAK)	Bonney Lake    	5-3
2. 10-David Meagher  (WRIV)	White River    
3. 12-John Hamilton (PENS)	Peninsula      	Fall 0:59
4. 11-Jeff Wiltse (ENUM)	Enumclaw       
5. 11-Kenny Dykeman (LAKS)	Lakes          	Fall 2:58
6. 10-Kyle Rodarte  (WRIV)	White River    

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