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2A District 7  2/7/09

Posted by fan on 2/8/2009, 6:51 pm, in reply to "Re: 2A District 7"

Team Scores

Deer Park 372.5
Riverside 335
Clarkston 255
Cheney 226.5
Medical Lake 136
Colville 130
West Valley 98
Pullman 77

103 1. Bradley (Cheney) 4-3
2. Usselman(ML)
3. Spackman(RS) 4-2
4. Duenich(D.P) Duenich had beat Spackman earlier 15-8
5. Scott (WV) 2-0
6. Pratt (Colville) Pig Tail into region

112 1. Adams (D.P.) 5-1
2. Cox (Pull)
3. Dehn (D.P.) 5-2
4. Pederson (Ch)
5. Lindback (Col) 5-2
6. Donner (Col) Pig Tail

119 1. Acorn (D.P.) MD 15-7
2. Beard (RS)
3. Santana (RS) 5-0
4. Roades (Ch)
5. Hilpert (D.P.) pin :39
6. Morales (M.L.)

125 1. R. Majors (RS) Pin :49
2. Rhodes (D.P.)
3. Rokstad (Cl) 5-2
4. K. Majors (R.S.)
5. Jackson (Col) MD 12-3
6. Monge (ML)

130 1. Gannon (WV) 6-2
2. Hodge (RS)
3. Huckins (Ch) 5-3
4. Beeler (CL)
5. Stirton (RS) md 12-4
6. Konzal (WV)

135 1. Dressler (ML) 5-1
2. Early (CH)
3. Church (Pull) 6-4
4. Cole (RS)
5. Jorgensen (DP) 9-8
6. Ward (Ch)

140 1. Powell (CL) pin 2:17
2. Rhodes (DP)
3. Fowler (Col pin 4:56
4. Miller (DP)
5. Stirton (RS) IJ Def
6. Heuschkel (Ch)

145 1. Leliefeld (DP) 4-2
2. Flores (RS)
3. Bender (RS) 1-0
4. Peterson (ML)
5. Crawford (Pull) 4-1
6. Hastings (Col)

152 1. Miller (DP) 8-1
2. Lejameyer (CL)
3. Skjthaug (CH) 8-6
4. Earl (CL)
5. Swanson (Col) pin 1:39
6. Frank (DP)

160 1. J. Desroches (RS) 6-5
2. Darnall (CL)
3. McNair (CH) 7-6
4. Divis (Col)
5. Collins (DP) 10-4
6. Keithley (Pull)

171 1. Hocum (CL) 9-7
2. Desroches (RS)
3. Whitney (DP) pin 4:25
4. Watson (WV)
5. Dender (RS) MD 13-1
6. Randles (CL)

189 1. King (CL) pin 2:51
2. Symons (RS)
3. Orgill (RS) 3-0
4. Bast (DP)
5. Dunbar (ML) 5-1
6. Laymon (DP)

215 1. Grable (DP) 7-1
2. Hall (Col)
3. Gidrey (ML) 9-2
4. Reither (RS)
5. Gutierrez (CH) pin 1:18
6. Cawthon (CL)

285 1. Burton (DP) 3-2
2. Moseley (CH)
3. Norland (CL) pin :48
4. Mead (RS)
5. Melkonyan (WV) md 13-2
6. Walton (ML)

All 6th placers have to wrestle a pig tail round to get into regionals


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