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                    Battle Ground Girls Rumble  1/28/12
                                             Weight class : 100
Mireille Powers {Kelso}                                                                             1. Mireille Powers (KL)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Emily Alder-Storm (WSG)
                                    -1|Mireille Powers (KL)                                         3. Emily Posey (KM)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Erika Hernandez (KL) -NS
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Mireille Powers (KL)                   
BYE                                                      -89|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                    -2|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Mireille Powers (KL) 
Emily Posey {Kalama}                                                          -221|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   12-4              |
                                    -3|Emily Posey (KM)                           |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Emily Posey (KM)     |                     |
BYE                                                      -90|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:53                               |
                                    -4|Mikinzi Linkel (EG)  |                                           |
Mikinzi Linkel {Evergreen}            |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Mireille Powers (KL) 
Erika Hernandez {Kelso}                                                                             -298|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall 3:01
                                    -5|Hernandez (KL) -NS                                               |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Hernandez (KL) -NS                         |
BYE                                                      -91|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall :56          |                     |
                                    -6|Amy Percy (UN)       |                     |                     |
Amy Percy {Union}                     |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Alder-Storm (WSG)    |
BYE                                                                           -222|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:55         
                                    -7|BYE                                        |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Alder-Storm (WSG)    |
BYE                                                      -92|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               
                                    -8|Alder-Storm (WSG)    |
Emily Alder-Storm {Washougal}         |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 100

                                                                  Emily Posey (KM)     
                      BYE                                         ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-221                |
BYE                    L-92                |BYE                                        |
---------------------\                 -177|---------------------\                     |Emily Posey (KM)     
  L-1                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -265|---------------------\
                  -93|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 2:37         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Amy Percy (UN)       |                     |
---------------------/                                       -223|---------------------/                     |
  L-2                 Amy Percy (UN)                             |   BYE                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                    L-91                |Amy Percy (UN)       |                                           |
---------------------\                 -178|---------------------/                                           |Emily Posey (KM)     
  L-3                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -287|---------------------
                  -94|---------------------/                                                                 |   3-0
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Hernandez (KL) -NS                         |
  L-4                 Mikinzi Linkel (EG)                         ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-222                |                     |
BYE                    L-90                |Mikinzi Linkel (EG)                        |                     |
---------------------\                 -179|---------------------\                     |Hernandez (KL) -NS   |
  L-5                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -266|---------------------/
                  -95|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 4:40         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Mikinzi Linkel (EG)  |
---------------------/                                       -224|---------------------/
  L-6                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                    L-89                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -180|---------------------/
  L-7                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 106
Taryn Lommasson {Camas}                                                                             1. Taryn Lommasson (CM)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Chelsea Kelly (HC)
                                    -9|Taryn Lommasson (CM)                                         3. Roxana Ruiz (KL)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Cailee Martin (RG)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Taryn Lommasson (CM)                   
BYE                                                      -97|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -10|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Taryn Lommasson (CM) 
Maddie Hill {Union}                                                           -225|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall :55          |
                                   -11|Maddie Hill (UN)                           |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Cailee Martin (RG)   |                     |
BYE                                                      -98|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   6-2                                     |
                                   -12|Cailee Martin (RG)   |                                           |
Cailee Martin {Ridgefield}            |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Taryn Lommasson (CM) 
Kelci Light {Washougal}                                                                             -299|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall :50
                                   -13|Kelci Light (WSG)                                                |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Chelsea Kelly (HC)                         |
BYE                                                      -99|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   10-0              |                     |
                                   -14|Chelsea Kelly (HC)   |                     |                     |
Chelsea Kelly {Hockinson}             |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Chelsea Kelly (HC)   |
BYE                                                                           -226|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 5:13         
                                   -15|BYE                                        |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Roxana Ruiz (KL)     |
BYE                                                     -100|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               
                                   -16|Roxana Ruiz (KL)     |
Roxana Ruiz {Kelso}                   |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 106

                                                                  Cailee Martin (RG)   
                      BYE                                         ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-225                |
BYE                   L-100                |BYE                                        |
---------------------\                 -181|---------------------\                     |Cailee Martin (RG)   
  L-9                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -267|---------------------\
                 -101|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 4:21         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Kelci Light (WSG)    |                     |
---------------------/                                       -227|---------------------/                     |
 L-10                 Kelci Light (WSG)                          |   BYE                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                    L-99                |Kelci Light (WSG)    |                                           |
---------------------\                 -182|---------------------/                                           |Roxana Ruiz (KL)     
 L-11                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -288|---------------------
                 -102|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Roxana Ruiz (KL)                           |
 L-12                 Maddie Hill (UN)                            ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-226                |                     |
BYE                    L-98                |Maddie Hill (UN)                           |                     |
---------------------\                 -183|---------------------\                     |Roxana Ruiz (KL)     |
 L-13                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -268|---------------------/
                 -103|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 2:36         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Maddie Hill (UN)     |
---------------------/                                       -228|---------------------/
 L-14                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                    L-97                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -184|---------------------/
 L-15                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 112
Lourdes Arellano {Battle Ground}                                                                    1. Tara Duey (WSG)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Lourdes Arellano (BG)
                                   -17|Lourdes Arellano (BG)                                        3. Regina Bell (WS)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Katlyn Bigley (LC)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Lourdes Arellano (BG)                  
Foster Scott {Skyview}                                  -105|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   8-2               |                 
                                   -18|Quinn O'Bryant (PR)  |                     |
Quinn O'Bryant {Prairie}              |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   7-5                                     |
                                                                                  |Lourdes Arellano (BG)
Elianna Powers {Kelso}                                                        -229|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   6-3               |
                                   -19|Powers (KL) -NS                            |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Katlyn Bigley (LC)   |                     |
BYE                                                     -106|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:59                               |
                                   -20|Katlyn Bigley (LC)   |                                           |
Katlyn Bigley                         |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Tara Duey (WSG)      
Mara Earls {Kelso}                                                                                  -300|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall 1:08
                                   -21|Mara Earls (KL)                                                  |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Regina Bell (WS)                           |
BYE                                                     -107|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:09         |                     |
                                   -22|Regina Bell (WS)     |                     |                     |
Regina Bell {White Salmon}            |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Tara Duey (WSG)      |
Tabitha Purdy {North Beach}                                                   -230|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   7-1               
                                   -23|Tabitha Purdy (NB)                         |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Tara Duey (WSG)      |
BYE                                                     -108|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:20         
                                   -24|Tara Duey (WSG)      |
Tara Duey {Washougal}                 |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 112

                                                                  Katlyn Bigley (LC)   
                      Tabitha Purdy (NB)                          ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-229                |
BYE                   L-108                |Foster Scott (SV)                          |
---------------------\                 -185|---------------------\                     |Katlyn Bigley (LC)   
 L-17                |Foster Scott (SV)    |   Fall :38          |                 -269|---------------------\
                 -109|---------------------/                     |                     |   11-7              |
Foster Scott (SV)    |   BYE                                     |Mara Earls (KL)      |                     |
---------------------/                                       -231|---------------------/                     |
 L-18                 Mara Earls (KL)                            |   13-5                                    |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-107                |Mara Earls (KL)      |                                           |
---------------------\                 -186|---------------------/                                           |Regina Bell (WS)     
 L-19                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -289|---------------------
                 -110|---------------------/                                                                 |   Inj Def
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Regina Bell (WS)                           |
 L-20                 Powers (KL) -NS                             ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-230                |                     |
BYE                   L-106                |Powers (KL) -NS                            |                     |
---------------------\                 -187|---------------------\                     |Regina Bell (WS)     |
 L-21                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -270|---------------------/
                 -111|---------------------/                     |                     |   9-3               
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Quinn O'Bryant (PR)  |
---------------------/                                       -232|---------------------/
 L-22                 Quinn O'Bryant (PR)                        |   Fall 4:48         
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-105                |Quinn O'Bryant (PR)  |
---------------------\                 -188|---------------------/
 L-23                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 118
Breanne Ponack {Skyview}                                                                            1. Breanne Ponack (SV)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Kieana Tocalino (MV)
                                   -25|Breanne Ponack (SV)                                          3. Talyah Gorans ( KL)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Emmah Ferguson (HC)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Breanne Ponack (SV)                    
BYE                                                     -113|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -26|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Breanne Ponack (SV)  
Talyah Gorans                                                                 -233|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   12-11             |
                                   -27|Talyah Gorans ( KL)                        |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Talyah Gorans ( KL)  |                     |
BYE                                                     -114|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 3:00                               |
                                   -28|Emmah Ferguson (HC)  |                                           |
Emmah Ferguson {Hockinson}            |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Breanne Ponack (SV)  
Courtney Reynosa {Battle Ground}                                                                    -301|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   8-5
                                   -29|Courtney Reynosa (BG)                                            |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Courtney Reynosa (BG)                      |
BYE                                                     -115|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                     |
                                   -30|BYE                  |                     |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Kieana Tocalino (MV) |
BYE                                                                           -234|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:37         
                                   -31|BYE                                        |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Kieana Tocalino (MV) |
BYE                                                     -116|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               
                                   -32|Kieana Tocalino (MV) |
Kieana Tocalino {MT View}             |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 118

                                                                  Talyah Gorans ( KL)  
                      BYE                                         ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-233                |
BYE                   L-116                |BYE                                        |
---------------------\                 -189|---------------------\                     |Talyah Gorans ( KL)  
 L-25                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -271|---------------------\
                 -117|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |                     |
---------------------/                                       -235|---------------------/                     |
 L-26                 BYE                                        |   BYE                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-115                |BYE                  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -190|---------------------/                                           |Talyah Gorans ( KL)  
 L-27                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -290|---------------------
                 -118|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall :45
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Courtney Reynosa (BG)                      |
 L-28                 Emmah Ferguson (HC)                         ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-234                |                     |
BYE                   L-114                |Emmah Ferguson (HC)                        |                     |
---------------------\                 -191|---------------------\                     |Emmah Ferguson (HC)  |
 L-29                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -272|---------------------/
                 -119|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 3;15         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Emmah Ferguson (HC)  |
---------------------/                                       -236|---------------------/
 L-30                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-113                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -192|---------------------/
 L-31                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 124
McKenne Emmert {Kelso}                                                                              1. Mariah Horton (KL)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. McKenne Emmert (KL)-NS
                                   -33|Emmert (KL)-NS                                               3. Haven Camden (WSG)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Susan Urias (BG)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Emmert (KL)-NS                         
BYE                                                     -121|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 4:09         |                 
                                   -34|Caitlin Horrocks (SV)|                     |
Caitlin Horrocks {Skyview}            |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Emmert (KL)-NS       
Susan Urias {Battle Ground}                                                   -237|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 3:10         |
                                   -35|Susan Urias (BG)                           |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Susan Urias (BG)     |                     |
BYE                                                     -122|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:40                               |
                                   -36|Kepner (WSG) -NS     |                                           |
Savana Kepner {Washougal}             |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Mariah Horton (KL)   
Mariah Horton {Kelso}                                                                               -302|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall 5:59
                                   -37|Mariah Horton (KL)                                               |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Mariah Horton (KL)                         |
BYE                                                     -123|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall :21          |                     |
                                   -38|Katlyn Ellyson (IW)  |                     |                     |
Katlyn Ellyson {Ilwaco}               |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Mariah Horton (KL)   |
Avery Miller {MT View}                                                        -238|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   7-4               
                                   -39|Avery Miller (MV)                          |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Haven Camden (WSG)   |
BYE                                                     -124|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:03         
                                   -40|Haven Camden (WSG)   |
Haven Camden {Washougal}              |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 124

                                                                  Susan Urias (BG)     
                      Avery Miller (MV)                           ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-237                |
BYE                   L-124                |Avery Miller (MV)                          |
---------------------\                 -193|---------------------\                     |Susan Urias (BG)     
 L-33                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -273|---------------------\
                 -125|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 1:36         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Avery Miller (MV)    |                     |
---------------------/                                       -239|---------------------/                     |
 L-34                 Katlyn Ellyson (IW)                        |   Fall :36                                |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-123                |Katlyn Ellyson (IW)  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -194|---------------------/                                           |Haven Camden (WSG)   
 L-35                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -291|---------------------
                 -126|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall 2:19
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Haven Camden (WSG)                         |
 L-36                 Kepner (WSG) -NS                            ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-238                |                     |
BYE                   L-122                |Kepner (WSG) -NS                           |                     |
---------------------\                 -195|---------------------\                     |Haven Camden (WSG)   |
 L-37                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -274|---------------------/
                 -127|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall :58          
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Kepner (WSG) -NS     |
---------------------/                                       -240|---------------------/
 L-38                 Caitlin Horrocks (SV)                      |   Fall :36          
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-121                |Caitlin Horrocks (SV)|
---------------------\                 -196|---------------------/
 L-39                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 130
Allison Brown {Stevenson}                                                                           1. Erin Lock (WSG)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Danielle Higgins (MV)
                                   -41|Allison Brown (ST)                                           3. Allison Brown (ST)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Raven Rogers (IW)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Allison Brown (ST)                     
Lindsey Johnson {Kelso}                                 -129|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:27         |                 
                                   -42|Johnson (KL) -NS     |                     |
Sara Angelo {MT View}                 |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 4;54                               |
                                                                                  |Erin Lock (WSG)      
Erin Lock {Washougal}                                                         -241|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   9-8               |
                                   -43|Erin Lock (WSG)                            |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Erin Lock (WSG)      |                     |
BYE                                                     -130|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:40                               |
                                   -44|Raven Rogers (IW)    |                                           |
Raven Rogers {Ilwaco}                 |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Erin Lock (WSG)      
Yuliya Dzhumaniyaz {Kelso}                                                                          -303|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   4-0
                                   -45|Dzhumaniyaz (KL)                                                 |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Dzhumaniyaz (KL)                           |
Bailey Nading                                           -131|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   10-2              |                     |
                                   -46|Bailey Nading  (RL)  |                     |                     |
Miu Seto-Paralta {Battle Ground}      |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   Fall 1:39                               |                     |
                                                                                  |Danielle Higgins (MV)|
Kelcie Kysar  {Heritage}                                                      -242|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:30         
                                   -47|Natasha Williams (SV)                      |
Natasha Williams {Skyview}            |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   7-3               |                     |
                                                            |Danielle Higgins (MV)|
BYE                                                     -132|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:45         
                                   -48|Danielle Higgins (MV)|
Danielle Higgins {MT View}            |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 130

                                                                  Allison Brown (ST)   
                      Natasha Williams (SV)                       ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-241                |
BYE                   L-132                |Natasha Williams (SV)                      |
---------------------\                 -197|---------------------\                     |Allison Brown (ST)   
 L-41                |Sara Angelo (MV)-NS  |   Fall              |                 -275|---------------------\
                 -133|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 1:27         |
Sara Angelo (MV)-NS  |   BYE                                     |Natasha Williams (SV)|                     |
---------------------/                                       -243|---------------------/                     |
 L-42                 Bailey Nading  (RL)                        |   12-2                                    |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-131                |Bailey Nading  (RL)  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -198|---------------------/                                           |Allison Brown (ST)   
 L-43                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -292|---------------------
                 -134|---------------------/                                                                 |   12-4
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Dzhumaniyaz (KL)                           |
 L-44                 Raven Rogers (IW)                           ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-242                |                     |
BYE                   L-130                |Raven Rogers (IW)                          |                     |
---------------------\                 -199|---------------------\                     |Raven Rogers (IW)    |
 L-45                |Miu Seto-Paralta (BG)|   Fall 2:43         |                 -276|---------------------/
                 -135|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 5:37         
Miu Seto-Paralta (BG)|   BYE                                     |Raven Rogers (IW)    |
---------------------/                                       -244|---------------------/
 L-46                 Johnson (KL) -NS                           |   Fall 4:49         
                      ---------------------\                     |
Kelcie Kysar  (HR)    L-129                |Kelcie Kysar  (HR)   |
---------------------\                 -200|---------------------/
 L-47                |Kelcie Kysar  (HR)   |   5-2               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 137
Hannah VanOsdel {Battle Ground}                                                                     1. Hannah VanOsdel (BG)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Alexandria Nading  (RL)
                                   -49|Hannah VanOsdel (BG)                                         3. Sam Zamudio (KM)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Ashley Williams (RG)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Hannah VanOsdel (BG)                   
BYE                                                     -137|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -50|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Hannah VanOsdel (BG) 
Juanita Rodriguez {Kelso}                                                     -245|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:30         |
                                   -51|Rodriguez (KL)                             |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Sam Zamudio (KM)     |                     |
BYE                                                     -138|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   11-5                                    |
                                   -52|Sam Zamudio (KM)     |                                           |
Sam Zamudio {Kalama}                  |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Hannah VanOsdel (BG) 
Sam Adams                                                                                           -304|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   15-1
                                   -53|Sam Adams (LC)                                                   |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Nading  (RL)                               |
BYE                                                     -139|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall :51          |                     |
                                   -54|Nading  (RL)         |                     |                     |
Alexandria Nading                     |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Nading  (RL)         |
Ashley Williams {Ridgefield}                                                  -246|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 4:30         
                                   -55|Ashley Williams (RG)                       |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Ashley Williams (RG) |
BYE                                                     -140|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   1-0               
                                   -56|Catlin Swarez (WS)   |
Catlin Swarez {White Salmon}          |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 137

                                                                  Sam Zamudio (KM)     
                      Catlin Swarez (WS)                          ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-245                |
BYE                   L-140                |Catlin Swarez (WS)                         |
---------------------\                 -201|---------------------\                     |Sam Zamudio (KM)     
 L-49                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -277|---------------------\
                 -141|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 1:40         |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Sam Adams (LC)       |                     |
---------------------/                                       -247|---------------------/                     |
 L-50                 Sam Adams (LC)                             |   1-0                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-139                |Sam Adams (LC)       |                                           |
---------------------\                 -202|---------------------/                                           |Sam Zamudio (KM)     
 L-51                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -293|---------------------
                 -142|---------------------/                                                                 |   Forfiet
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Ashley Williams (RG)                       |
 L-52                 Rodriguez (KL)                              ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-246                |                     |
BYE                   L-138                |Rodriguez (KL)                             |                     |
---------------------\                 -203|---------------------\                     |Ashley Williams (RG) |
 L-53                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -278|---------------------/
                 -143|---------------------/                     |                     |   Fall 3;30         
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Rodriguez (KL)       |
---------------------/                                       -248|---------------------/
 L-54                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-137                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -204|---------------------/
 L-55                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 145
Mykal Baron {Kelso}                                                                                 1. Sarah Gibson (WS)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Mykal Baron (KL)
                                   -57|Mykal Baron (KL)                                             3. Cherisse Jackson (NB)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Romney Kellogg (WSG)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Mykal Baron (KL)                       
BYE                                                     -145|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -58|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Mykal Baron (KL)     
Romney Kellogg {Washougal}                                                    -249|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall :27          |
                                   -59|Romney Kellogg (WSG)                       |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Romney Kellogg (WSG) |                     |
BYE                                                     -146|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE                                     |
                                   -60|BYE                  |                                           |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Sarah Gibson (WS)    
Sarah Gibson {White Salmon}                                                                         -305|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   3-4
                                   -61|Sarah Gibson (WS)                                                |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Sarah Gibson (WS)                          |
BYE                                                     -147|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall 1:25         |                     |
                                   -62|Marilyn Thompson (IW)|                     |                     |
Marilyn Thompson {Ilwaco}             |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Sarah Gibson (WS)    |
Jessica Rodriguez {Kelso}                                                     -250|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   5-2               
                                   -63|Rodriguez (KL) -NS                         |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Cherisse Jackson (NB)|
BYE                                                     -148|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   Fall :33          
                                   -64|Cherisse Jackson (NB)|
Cherisse Jackson {North Beach}        |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 145

                                                                  Romney Kellogg (WSG) 
                      Rodriguez (KL) -NS                          ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-249                |
BYE                   L-148                |Rodriguez (KL) -NS                         |
---------------------\                 -205|---------------------\                     |Romney Kellogg (WSG) 
 L-57                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -279|---------------------\
                 -149|---------------------/                     |                     |   10-4              |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Marilyn Thompson (IW)|                     |
---------------------/                                       -251|---------------------/                     |
 L-58                 Marilyn Thompson (IW)                      |   Fall 2:37                               |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-147                |Marilyn Thompson (IW)|                                           |
---------------------\                 -206|---------------------/                                           |Cherisse Jackson (NB)
 L-59                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -294|---------------------
                 -150|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Cherisse Jackson (NB)                      |
 L-60                 BYE                                         ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-250                |                     |
BYE                   L-146                |BYE                                        |                     |
---------------------\                 -207|---------------------\                     |Cherisse Jackson (NB)|
 L-61                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -280|---------------------/
                 -151|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |
---------------------/                                       -252|---------------------/
 L-62                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-145                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -208|---------------------/
 L-63                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 155
Victoria Carlson {Battle Ground}                                                                    1. Victoria Carlson (BG)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Jessica Biron (WSG)
                                   -65|Victoria Carlson (BG)                                        3. Raquel Guajardo (KL)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. Naomi Fitzpatrick  (NB)
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Victoria Carlson (BG)                  
BYE                                                     -153|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -66|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Victoria Carlson (BG)
Anneliesa Wiley {Mark Morris}                                                 -253|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 2:04         |
                                   -67|Anneliesa Wiley (MM)                       |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |Raquel Guajardo (KL) |                     |
BYE                                                     -154|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   1-0                                     |
                                   -68|Raquel Guajardo (KL) |                                           |
Raquel Guajardo {Kelso}               |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Victoria Carlson (BG)
Naomi Fitzpatrick  {North Beach}                                                                    -306|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall 4:56
                                   -69|Fitzpatrick  (NB)                                                |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Fitzpatrick  (NB)                          |
BYE                                                     -155|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                     |
                                   -70|BYE                  |                     |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Jessica Biron (WSG)  |
BYE                                                                           -254|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall 1:24         
                                   -71|BYE                                        |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Jessica Biron (WSG)  |
BYE                                                     -156|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               
                                   -72|Jessica Biron (WSG)  |
Jessica Biron {Washougal}             |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 155

                                                                  Raquel Guajardo (KL) 
                      BYE                                         ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-253                |
BYE                   L-156                |BYE                                        |
---------------------\                 -209|---------------------\                     |Raquel Guajardo (KL) 
 L-65                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -281|---------------------\
                 -157|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |                     |
---------------------/                                       -255|---------------------/                     |
 L-66                 BYE                                        |   BYE                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-155                |BYE                  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -210|---------------------/                                           |Raquel Guajardo (KL) 
 L-67                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -295|---------------------
                 -158|---------------------/                                                                 |   Fall
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Fitzpatrick  (NB)                          |
 L-68                 Anneliesa Wiley (MM)                        ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-254                |                     |
BYE                   L-154                |Anneliesa Wiley (MM)                       |                     |
---------------------\                 -211|---------------------\                     |Fitzpatrick  (NB)    |
 L-69                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -282|---------------------/
                 -159|---------------------/                     |                     |   1-0               
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |Anneliesa Wiley (MM) |
---------------------/                                       -256|---------------------/
 L-70                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-153                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -212|---------------------/
 L-71                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 170
Mikaela Davis {Kelso}                                                                               1. Nicole Sharp (LC)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Mikaela Davis (KL)
                                   -73|Mikaela Davis (KL)                                           3. Kiersten Williams (MV)
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. BYE
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Mikaela Davis (KL)                     
BYE                                                     -161|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -74|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Mikaela Davis (KL)   
BYE                                                                           -257|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   BYE               |
                                   -75|BYE                                        |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                                     -162|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE                                     |
                                   -76|BYE                  |                                           |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Nicole Sharp (LC)    
Kiersten Williams {MT View}                                                                         -307|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   Fall :26
                                   -77|Williams (MV)                                                    |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |Williams (MV)                              |
BYE                                                     -163|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                     |
                                   -78|BYE                  |                     |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Nicole Sharp (LC)    |
BYE                                                                           -258|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   Fall :38          
                                   -79|BYE                                        |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Nicole Sharp (LC)    |
BYE                                                     -164|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               
                                   -80|Nicole Sharp (LC)    |
Nicole Sharp                          |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 170

                      BYE                                         ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-257                |
BYE                   L-164                |BYE                                        |
---------------------\                 -213|---------------------\                     |BYE                  
 L-73                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -283|---------------------\
                 -165|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |                     |
---------------------/                                       -259|---------------------/                     |
 L-74                 BYE                                        |   BYE                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-163                |BYE                  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -214|---------------------/                                           |Williams (MV)        
 L-75                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -296|---------------------
                 -166|---------------------/                                                                 |   BYE
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            Williams (MV)                              |
 L-76                 BYE                                         ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-258                |                     |
BYE                   L-162                |BYE                                        |                     |
---------------------\                 -215|---------------------\                     |Williams (MV)        |
 L-77                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -284|---------------------/
                 -167|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |
---------------------/                                       -260|---------------------/
 L-78                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-161                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -216|---------------------/
 L-79                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                    BG Girls Rumble
                                             Weight class : 195
Rebekah Moreno {Kelso}                                                                              1. Rebekah Moreno (KL)
--------------------------------------\                                                             2. Madelyn Weyer (MV)
                                   -81|Rebekah Moreno (KL)                                          3. BYE
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                       4. BYE
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                       
                                                            |Rebekah Moreno (KL)                    
BYE                                                     -169|---------------------\                 
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                 
                                   -82|BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |
                                                                                  |Rebekah Moreno (KL)  
BYE                                                                           -261|---------------------\
--------------------------------------\                                           |   BYE               |
                                   -83|BYE                                        |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |                     |
                                                            |BYE                  |                     |
BYE                                                     -170|---------------------/                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE                                     |
                                   -84|BYE                  |                                           |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                                           |          CHAMPION
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                                           |
                                                                                                        |  Rebekah Moreno (KL)  
BYE                                                                                                 -308|---------------------
--------------------------------------\                                                                 |   11-1
                                   -85|BYE                                                              |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                                           |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                                           |
                                                            |BYE                                        |
BYE                                                     -171|---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               |                     |
                                   -86|BYE                  |                     |                     |
BYE                                   |---------------------/                     |                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE                                     |                     |
                                                                                  |Madelyn Weyer (MV)   |
BYE                                                                           -262|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                                           |   BYE               
                                   -87|BYE                                        |
BYE                                   |---------------------\                     |
--------------------------------------/   BYE               |                     |
                                                            |Madelyn Weyer (MV)   |
BYE                                                     -172|---------------------/
--------------------------------------\                     |   BYE               
                                   -88|Madelyn Weyer (MV)   |
Madelyn Weyer {MT View}               |---------------------/
--------------------------------------/   BYE               

      Consolation for Weight class : 195

                      BYE                                         ---------------------\
                      ---------------------\                      L-261                |
BYE                   L-172                |BYE                                        |
---------------------\                 -217|---------------------\                     |BYE                  
 L-81                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -285|---------------------\
                 -173|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               |
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |                     |
---------------------/                                       -263|---------------------/                     |
 L-82                 BYE                                        |   BYE                                     |
                      ---------------------\                     |                                           |          THIRD
BYE                   L-171                |BYE                  |                                           |
---------------------\                 -218|---------------------/                                           |BYE                  
 L-83                |BYE                  |   BYE                                                       -297|---------------------
                 -174|---------------------/                                                                 |   BYE
BYE                  |   BYE                                                                                 |
---------------------/                                            BYE                                        |
 L-84                 BYE                                         ---------------------\                     |
                      ---------------------\                      L-262                |                     |
BYE                   L-170                |BYE                                        |                     |
---------------------\                 -219|---------------------\                     |BYE                  |
 L-85                |BYE                  |   BYE               |                 -286|---------------------/
                 -175|---------------------/                     |                     |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE                                     |BYE                  |
---------------------/                                       -264|---------------------/
 L-86                 BYE                                        |   BYE               
                      ---------------------\                     |
BYE                   L-169                |BYE                  |
---------------------\                 -220|---------------------/
 L-87                |BYE                  |   BYE               
BYE                  |   BYE               
                              Wrestling Tournament Manager Software by A. D. Systems

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