How advertisements work when using Google
Posted by Dave G on 3/6/2008, 6:09 pm Message modified by board administrator 4/13/2008, 11:13 pm
I sent the following response to a viewer that e-mailed me and I thought I would share that information here so everyone knows how the advertisements work. I don’t condone the recent advertisements by Ebay but it is not under my control and it appears to have been corrected by parental pressure.
========================================================= Dear ************, The advertisements you see for camps have contracted directly with me to get the information out on their camps and events. Those are totally under my control. I just read my post about the fight card at EdCC and the advertisement at the top is for a new movie coming out about MMA fights. Most posts involve wrestling and therefore Ebay is obviously going to present any items they have that may appeal to wrestling fans whether they be singlets, shoes, videos, etc. It looks as if Ebay has removed those previously mentioned videos and have other videos up that appear to be legitimate but that is for viewers to determine for themselves. It appears as if the parents contacting Ebay has worked to remove that. I do not review the Google advertisements, nor do I have control over them. It is the same on this site as with any other site that uses Google. It is determined by Google and advertisements are NOT endorsed in any fashion by this site or its director. I will be posting this on the message board to help people understand how this works. —– Original Message —– From: Name Removed To: Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 6:46 AM Good Morning. I have just recently been enjoying your website and message board section. I don’t post as I know nothing about wrestling but a wrestler is now a part of our family. The reason for this email is that I have noticed that since the postings began regarding the inappropriate dvd’s on ebay, an ad appears on my screen above your regular advertising as well as many of the postings…some on men’s wrestling, some on women’s wrestling all with the ebay logo. I don’t know if this is intentional or if a virus is accidentally being spread due to following the link from one of the original posts. I just thought I would make you aware because it now looks like the advertising is actually on your website. Thank you, |