WSWA Agenda for September 15, 2012 General Membership Meeting 12 noon
1). Attendance of 2012-2013 Registered Clubs
2). Acceptance of the 2011-2012 General Membership minutes
3). Old Business:
4). Jay Terry State Chairperson:
A). State Chairman’s summit
B). Tiered Membership + high school membership
C). State Tournaments
D). Dual Team Funding Plan
E). Pre-entry and pre pay
F). Games of Rome? Other non-USAW events
5). Jim Burchett Deputy Director:
A). National Teams Media Guide
B). Fargo plan for 2013
6). Kim Burchett Membership Director Report:
A). Athlete Card Sales
B). Coaches Card Sales
C). Club Charter Sales
D). Tournament Sanctions
E). Reopen Uniform Packages
F). 2012-13 Club Charter Sales
7). Beth Michaelson Secretary Report:
A). Googledocs
8). Mary Douglas: Treasure Report:
A). Current Checking Balance.
B). Current Savings Balance.
C). Current Money Market Account Balance.
D). Current Coaches Card Account Balance.
E). 2011-12 financial statement
F). 2012-2013 budget plan
H). Cost of Dual Team’s if funded by the state
9). Mary Douglas Pairings Officials Director Report:
A). Equipment report
B). Number of Pairers
C). Training for Pairers
10). Tony Arredondo Mat Officials Director Report:
A). Number of Officials
B). Training for Officials
11). Jay Terry Coaches Director Report:
A). Number of Coaches
B). Training for Coaches
12). Christ Feist Cadet Director Report:
A). Cadet Duals
B). Fargo Cadet Team
C). Plan for 2013
13). Luke Leifer Junior Director Report:
A). Junior Duals
B). Fargo Junior Team
C). Plan for 2013
14). Melissa Simmons Women’s Director Report:
A). Cadet-Junior Women National and Dual Team
B). Plan for 2013
15). Sean Erickson Western Kids Director:
A). Schoolboy Dual Team Report
B). Plan for 2013
16). Ron Beard Eastern Kids Director:
A). Kids Western Regionals
B). Kids Nationals
C). Plan for 2013
17). Suzie Velarde Central Travel Director:
A). National Team Travel
18). Ty Michaelson Promotions Director:
A). Plan for 2013 National Team Sponsors
B). Tee-Shirt Sponsor
19). Dave Gilbertson Website Director:
A). WSWA Site Update
21). New Business:
A). Election of Officers
Deputy Director: Jim Burchett
Treasure: Mary Douglas
Junior Director: Luke Lifer, Andy Cook
Eastern Kids Director: Ron Beard
Officials Director: Tom Martin
Coaches Director: Craig Hanson, Fred Pulphus
Athlete Reps: appointed
B). Changes needed in the By-Laws
Link to current by-laws
Proposed by Jay Terry
Article III #1 Annual meeting needs to be changed to from 3rd Saturday in August to the third Saturday in September.
Reasoning: The National State Chairman’s meeting is the 3rd weekend of August. Labor Day is the 1st Monday of September. Many of our coaches coach football and the 1st and 2nd Saturday of September usually have football games. This also give everybody a bigger break from Fargo to think about the next season. This will also help in or fiscal year report the runs from first day of September each year.
Article III # 4Notice of Meeting needs to change to e-mail notice and posted on the web-site.
Reasoning: Cost savings and modern technology
Article IV # 2 Structure of the Board Changes: Open/Espoir/Women’s Director needs to become two positions, Women’s Director and Senior/FILA Director.
Reasoning: The women’s division has grown to the point that it needs its own director with voting rights. We should also rejuvenate our Senior Division and add to the FILA divisions of Cadet, Junior, University. This position would be appointed on a trial basis with no voting rights. If this passes we will need to also change the responsibilities of the board position.
Article IV #2 Structure of Board Changes: The Membership Director should have voting rights.
Reasoning: The potion is a vital part of the WSWA and should have a vote on how we conduct business. If this passes we will also need to amend the number of voting members from 11 to 12 and possibly the non-voting members as well.
Article IV #3 N,O,P,Q,R and added ones. Develop responsibilities for the positions of membership director, website director, travel director, promotions director, official photographer and senior/FILA director if approved.
Reasoning: We don’t have any established.
Article IV # 5 Change the wording in the election of the board of directors to represent any changes passed in item 3 and 4.
Reasoning: To be consistent with the wording in the other section of the by laws.
Article V #5 We may need to increase the amount of our exceeding funds from $250.000 a higher amount allowed by law.
Reasoning: Inflation and the desire to fund national teams
Article VI #2 Deadline dates for Folkstyle tournaments need to be change to accommodate the later fall meeting. I would suggest October 15 as the first deadline and October 31 as the second. I also suggest that tournaments be immediately placed on the schedule as soon as they are approved and not wait until the October 31 deadline. This should also take place for freestyle and greco tournaments.
Reasoning: faster notification of sanctioned tournaments
Article VI #4 Schedule should be kept by the membership director not the treasurer.
Reasoning: the membership director is in charge of tournament sanctions.
Article VI #6 The site of the WSWA State tournaments will be at a location chosen by the WSWA board. All efforts will be used to rotate these tournaments throughout the state as long a cost effective and large enough facility can be secured.
Reasoning: The WSWA will take over the hosting of state tournaments in an effort to raise money to subsidize national teams.
Article VI #9 Delete and replace with Clubs hosting a sanctioned WSWA/USA event will be required to work a table at the respective state tournament for that style. If the club host two tournaments then they will need to work two tables ect. Also clubs with 20 or more members who attend a state tournament will be required to run a table at that state tournament.
Reasoning: no need to have the rooming info if the state is running the tournament and we need all the help we can get to run the tables.
Article VII Remove the wording Espoir and Open in replace with FILA and Senior
Reasoning: we no longer have those divisions.
Article VIII #4 F. Remove the last line about outstanding finances and put it in its own category #4 and add that any money owed to the state for any reason will exclude said member from participation in any WSWA event.
Reasoning: Makes it more clear.
Suggestions for changes to by-laws or amendments to WSWA
Submitted by Craig Hanson-Viper Wrestling Club
1) Combine state tournaments to reflect Western Regionals / Fargo. Have 3 weekend tournaments rather than 4.
a. Kids Freestyle/Greco weekend
b. Cadet-Junior-Women’s Freestyle/Greco weekend
c. Folkstyle State (kids Saturday/SB, Cadet, Jr Sunday)
I was part of the original Greco movement in our state, done to encourage younger wrestlers to compete because they get to be around the older kids. Prior to that time we had C/J Freestyle/Greco weekend but no Greco for kids. It was feared that the kids division would not gather enough participants. That goal has now been met, and getting kids to Greco is no longer a problem. This gives us an extra weekend for something else to happen.
2) Make the “overtime” pay for Pairings/Mat officials start after 4pm rather than 2pm. First of all, no tournament should get over by 2pm. 4pm is a better spot to start paying the officials for “overtime”. Most tournaments end around 4 or 5 pm.
3) Mat and Pairings officials should be 16 years old or older with one year of experience before full pay is awarded. I suggest that the pay for 16 years and under, and under 1 yr experience, should be flat rate of $30 with no overtime pay. After 16 years and 1 year experience they move to state pay rate.
4) Clubs need to be given more control of their local tournaments . The state should be there as a resource if requested.
a. Give a list of pairings and mat officials and let the local tournament call and set up their own staff.
b. Give a list of guidelines to local tournament officials to follow as a check list. These include State and USA requirements.
c. If local tournament requests help, then state can step in and help them.
The goal here is to make clubs and local tournaments more self-sufficient.
5) Finally, let’s spend time helping train pairers to run the whole system and not let it be a big secret. That is what was happening in the past. Also we need to understand that Track wrestling is making it less necessary to have as many pairers. There is no need to overstaff state tournaments just because pairers want/need to get a state tournament in to go to Nationals or receive an upgrade. There is only so much work to do once it gets going if run matside. I know there is a suggestion to have pairers run matside computers but it is not necessary and it just costs the host tournament money. I know this is a controversial topic but it is my opinion at this time, it is worth looking at.
By-law change proposed by Kirk Calkins
I want to put in for a bylaw change vote the next time the clubs are all together for a vote.. ( Fall Meeting)
I want to see removed from the bylaws that all tournaments are finalized by a certain date and you can not put in for a tournament after that date if a facility becomes open.
(I think we are shooting are self in the foot, specially when the state is able to make more money when there is another tournament involved.. I understand its not easy on you all, but I look at it, its good for everyone in the end, specially if we are able to wrestle, if we weren’t able to wrestle..
I want to vote in a new bylaw- if there is a hole in the schedule, and a facility becomes open, and a club wants to put in for that tournament. The state must accept the sanction for the tournament..
My proposed changes to Article VII – Eligibility are set out below (the underlined text is the proposed new language). Matt Iwicki
All competitive members of the Washington State Wrestling Association shall be current members of the USA Wrestling and shall conform to the rules of the current edition of the USA Wrestling International Wrestling Rules, including age requirements for determination of eligibility for participation in Kids, Cadets, Juniors, Espoirs and Open Division programs and activities.
In order to compete in USA Wrestling regional or national competition as a member of Team Washington or otherwise representing the State of Washington the athlete shall be a member in good standing of the Washington State Wrestling Association and a legal resident of the State of Washington, or a legal resident of another state who has been released by the Chairperson of the different state and accepted by the Chairperson of the Washington State Wrestling Association with the approval of USA Wrestling.
An athlete who is a member in good standing of the Washington State Wrestling Association and who is a legal resident of the State of Washington may participate for another state in USA Wrestling regional and national competition if released by the Chairperson of the Washington State Wrestling Association and accepted by the Chairperson of the different state with the approval of USA Wrestling. The athlete seeking release shall complete the athlete section of a release form provided by USA Wrestling, and submit it to the Chairperson of the Washington State Wrestling Association as well as the Chairperson of the different state for completion and return the form to USA Wrestling. Once completed, the form is verification that the athlete is released to compete for the different state in USA Wrestling regional and national competition. A completed release will be valid from the date of completion through the end of the current membership season (August 31). An athlete may be released a maximum of one (1) time per membership season. The Chairperson of the Washington State Wrestling Association shall promptly approve any properly submitted USA Wrestling Athlete Release form submitted by an athlete member in good standing of the Washington State Wrestling Association who is a legal resident of the State of Washington.
C). 2013 State Tournaments Bids
Folkstyle: Tacoma Sports Commission, Spokane Sports Commission?
Freestyle-Greco: Snohomish County Sports Commission, Tacoma Sports Commission, Yakima Sports?
D). Local Tournament Bids.
Regional Meetings
22). Other new business: possible Junior Duals Bid by the Snohomish County Sports Commission.
23). Adjournment